Monday, April 28, 2008

That Baby DVD & CD Giveaway and Discount

I am going to admit something here that I can't believe I'm going to admit. I am in love with a DVD for babies. Seriously. I want to sit down and watch it all by myself. Which I did when I first reviewed it. But then I had to keep making sure my youngest was watching it with me on subsequent viewings so I didn't look silly.

I am telling you...If you've had a stressful day, just pop in That Baby DVD and watch "Happiness Runs/Circle Game" and you'll find yourself relaxing really fast. The song is so soothing, but when you add in the amazing's just like one of my best meditation cd's. And it's for babies, people!

Well, I did feel better when I saw this on the website, though:

"This isn’t baby music. It’s music the whole family will enjoy – including babies."

Okay, so maybe I'm not so crazy. :) They couldn't be more right. No more annoying Barney music as you drive in your van. This is music you will love to listen to, and watch, along with your kids.

The graphics reflect the latest 60's style that's so trendy now. Lots of pretty pinks, yellows and browns and "groovy" illustrations. I kept thinking that the creators should also be in the blog design business.

The vocals are even better. I'm also hoping that they make a cd for grownups because I would totally buy it. Their vocal style is the type I love listening to (it's like something out of Lileth Fair...except when the men sing of course, lol. But they're just as good!)

There's also a "That Baby CD" which has all of the songs that are on the DVD, plus three extras. Perfect for driving in the van, or for my youngest to play in her karaoke machine (she plays regular cd's in it and sings along).

And you will love the song choices. Look at their description of the song "Sunday Sun" written by Neil Diamond:

"There are two types of people in this world. Those that grasp just how cool Neil Diamond is and those who don't."

So very true! And I will sheepishly admit that while I've never been a big Neil Diamond fan, I am a HUGE fan of how the creators of "That Baby" have done his song. There's also "Pony Boy" written by Bruce Springstein, "Brass in Pocket" written by Chrissie Hynde, "These Are Days" by Natalie Merchant, and so many more. See how easily an adult could fall in love with this?

The DVD not only has graphic-themed videos, but there are also puppets, real life children playing guitar and dancing (they are so cute it will melt your heart), and cartoons just to name a few.

One of the best parts of the DVD/CD is how it was created. It's a "mom and pop" operation, created by two parents and their children. Who better to know what kids will love best?

Want to try it out yourself? Enter the coupon code "MotherTalk" when purchasing and save 20% on your entire order! From now until May 18th, all orders using the coupon code "MotherTalk" will be entered in a drawing to win a new iPod nano. Just click here to order.

I am also giving away one copy of "That Baby CD" to one lucky reader here! Simply leave a comment on this post to be entered (U.S. and Candian residents only, please). Deadline to enter is 11:59, Monday, May 5. Winner will be selected at random using and announced on May 6. Good luck!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great CD


Heather said...

Is that circle game as in Joni Mitchell song? I love that song...

Karin said...

Sounds good.....and addictive!

Anonymous said...

Glad you enjoyed watching and listening the products as much as I enjoyed making them! It's a labor of love for my wife and I, and it's reviews like these that keep us going late at night when there are boxes to pack and emails to write.

The producer/arranger/lead singer of the music, Stephanie Schneiderman, does have some grown-up music too! Check out for her other work. It's great stuff, and she tours extensively throughout the Northwest.

Thanks again for your kind words. Enjoy and tell your friends!

Rob Wolf
Creator of That Baby DVD and CD

BlondeBlogger said...

~Heather- Yep! That's the one!

~Rob- Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by! I am honored. :) I'm heading to Stephanie's site right now and I cannot begin to tell you how excited I am that she makes grown-up music too. Her voice is phenomenal!

Thanks to everyone for entering and good luck!

windycindy said...

How wonderful that they are creating CDs that a parent and child can listen to at the same time and not go crazy! This sounds like a particularly enjoyable CD. Please enter me in your drawing. Many thanks,Cindi

Andrea said...

We love music please count me in! :)

Anonymous said...

We are always looking for new CD's that everyone will enjoy..especially during the car trips to visit family.

chromiumman said...

sounds great

Stephen Saunders said...

awesome prize

Anonymous said...

Oh how I would LOVE to win this. THANKS SO MUCH :)

Kari said...

We love good music around here. Right now our favorite is Dan Zanes so this would be a great addition!

agordon10 said...

we are a musical family, so this would be great

vboackle said...

nice for my grandson.

Anonymous said...

sometimes it's hard to find something that everyone can enjoy. you've made it a whole lot easier. thank you.

abfantom said...

I would love to win this. Please enter me.

Anonymous said...

Enter me, please.

Unknown said...

I want to win!

herrinfamily said...

Nice prize.

imjasonc said...

What a nice giveaway !! Thanks !!!

Toystory said...

Geez -- I need to relax and I think that might be perfect....

Karen said...

Enter Me Please !!

Britt- Sparkled Vintage Charm said...

sounds fabulous!!

bison61 said...

it is nice to have a CD that everyone can listen to!

tiramisu392 (at)


my neice would love this

kristilb19 said...

I'd love to win for my son!

reddon30 said...

Daughters would love this!!

ChristyJan said...

This would be a big hit at my house.

danosor said...

Looking good.Great prize.

Sue Farrell said...

I think I could really enjoy this CD--for kids or not--too much "music" today is just noise--but this sounds like real music.

littlelatina said...

my kids would enjoy this

idahomom said...

Love it. Thanks for the chance.

123connie said...

Sounds like a great CD!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

My son loves music and dancing!

Anonymous said...

please count me in

Anonymous said...

Cool! I've never heard of it, but it sounds like a great time! Thanks! bucbratt at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

love to win for my son

pitaharmon said...

Yes, I would like it for the kids & me.

Anonymous said...

I like the 60's spin this has. That's what sold me.

Anonymous said...

Great Prize - thanks for offering it.

Anonymous said...

Sweet niblets!

Unknown said...

"Sounds" like a good cd. I think my kids would love it.

Alicia T said...

Thanks for the contest

Anonymous said...

Please enter me. My kids would love it!
emiliemostad at

Ilissa said...

This looks like a really fun CD. Thank you so much for hosting the giveaway.

Jinxy and Me said...

This sounds like a great kids CD that I would also enjoy listening to.

sachidewey said...

I can't believe how many great groups are making music for kids that don't drive me and my husband crazy! Love to own this for my son.

Anonymous said...

Anything to keep the kids entertained!

The Regulator said...

Enter me please!

Anonymous said...

please include me

Anonymous said...

I would love to win this CD. It would be perfect for commuting with children.

Anonymous said...

We are always looking for quality music and dvd's at our house.

Erica G said...

I'd like this for my baby!

egreca [at] hotmail [dot] com

demmi said...

would love to win

klp1965 said...

please enter me :)

yadgirl said...

Include me, please

Miranda Ward said...

Please enter me thanks

bfox74 said...

My very musical grandaughter would love to have this!

ky2here said...

We need something for everyone. I find most children's music alarmingly offputting.

ldrnc2000 said...

Cool items! Thanks for the giveaway!!

Suzie Williams said...

We could use some new car tunes.

silverbele said...

Great for the grandchildren.

cdrury said...

Would love to win this - thanks!!! my grandkids would love this!!

lilyk said...

Please enter me into the contest. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Love your contests of course; so lets hear it for Mother's Day win. Many Thanks SW

Charlene Kuser said...

Sounds like a great CD that
mother and child can enjoy.
Might even help me get to
sleep.Thanks for the giveaway
and love your blog.

rosannepm said...

Love this kind of music when I have my grandkids.

Anonymous said...

great giveaway
hermanthompson at yahoo dot com

Valerie Taylor Mabrey said...

Thanks for the contest

Anonymous said...

Love Pizza Hut!!!!!

mommysweeps said...

thanks for the contest,

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