Tell me which you regret more: That night back in college where you had a little too much to drink and you can only piece together 95% of the evening? Or having your loved one pass before you could tell him/her how you really felt?
Regretting the things we haven't done, rather than those we have, is the premise behind the book "No Regrets: 101 Fabulous Things to Do Before You're Too Old, Married or Pregnant" by Sarah Ivens.
"Fabulous" is a fitting word for the title, as Sarah herself exudes fabulosity through every page. Not only is she the Editor-in-Chief of OK! Magazine (which alone counts as ultra fabulous in my book), but she has done all but one of the 101 ideas listed in her book. From exotic travels, to indulgent feasts, to the simple pleasures in life, "No Regrets" has it all.
I think this one paragraph from the book about the wonders of Bourbon Street sums Sarah up perfectly:
"I've been lucky enough to meet George Clooney at the Golden Globes, dance with Sharon Stone at the Oscars, and go behind the scenes at New York Fashion Week, but nothing compares to N'awlins."
See what I mean? This girl knows how to have fun!
Consider "No Regrets" to be a bucket list for chic, girly-girls. A glam list if you will. And even though I am married with three kids, and getting closer and closer to what might be considered "old," I am still striving to accomplish at least a few of Sarah's ideas.

While reading, I tended to get excited when I could cross off an idea as already accomplished, such as "buy sexy underwear." I always refuse to wear anything but! There really is something for everyone in here, so even if you can't go on an African Safari, you CAN "be the first to apologize," or "throw yourself a party."
On the top of my glam list:
- Rock the Microphone at Karaoke (while I've done an online version of this, I've yet to do it live in public.)
- Splash Out in a Burberry Raincoat
- People Watch in Paris
"The one thing I couldn't do of my 101 things was visit the Taj Mahal," Sarah told me. "India was declared unsafe just before the trip, so I I had to postpone my visit and rely on multiple accounts of the place from close friends and guide books. I need to go there before I'm too old for sure."
What would be Sarah's biggest regret in life if she weren't able to accomplish it? "My biggest regret in life would be if my friends and family failed to realize how much I love them," she said. "Since writing this book, I am trying to live more in the moment and appreciate the smaller things and people, not just bigger things and things money can buy."

I asked Sarah what one thing from her list of 101 ideas she would do all over again and she picked one that I found fascinating myself. "Swim with sharks in Bora bora - apart from my wedding day, it really was the most exhilarating time of my life!"
And the one idea she would recommend for all of you? "Compete with yourself - not your girlfriend," Sarah advised. "Jealousy and bitchiness get you nowhere. The race is long, and only with yourself."
Told you she was fabulous. :)
Thanks to Sarah and Random House, I have a copy of "No Regrets" to give away to one lucky reader! To enter, simply leave a comment letting me know what you would put at the top of your "No Regrets" list and why.
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Deadline to enter is 11:59 EST, Tuesday, November 10, 2009. Winner will be selected at random using Random.org. Good luck!

My No Regrets decision was to skydive!
No regrets on traveling country via flight attendant job!
Take Amtrak across America and do not care how many hours or days it is late. Just go with the flow and watch the country go past. It is amazing.
tweet follower
spend a year abroad
I always said I wanted to live on the beach for a year...just turned fifty and it hasn't happened yet...I still hope to do it!! The book looks like such a fun read!! Love the magazine!
Cruise to Alaska before I'm too old.
My number one change to make would be to seriously work on my fear of flying. I would love to travel with my husband and our two sons! My fear of flying keeps from going so many places that I would love to experience with them.
Many thanks, Cindi
Thanks, Cindi
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Connect.....Thanks, Cindi
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Many thanks, Cindi
At the top of my "no regrets" list I'd put spend six months totally immersed in the life and culture of iyour favorite non-Engish speaking foreign country.
Speak at a conference about Autism. I have Autism and I want to help others dealing with it.
i want to travel around europe!
I want to learn Hebrew. I visited Israel a few years ago and it was amazing that I couldn't even begin to make out letters and I felt totally illiterate, and I guess I am in Hebrew!
I have no regrets about having an alone time everyday
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blogged: http://sweetqt.wordpress.com/2009/11/03/giveaway-so-a-blonde-walks/
Top of my no regret list would be for now to not feel guilty to take a nap everyday so my body can heal...but when that is accomplished it would be to go to the big island of Hawaii and meet the people that knew my nephew.
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I'm a blog follower. Thanks! trishden
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I won't rest until I visit the Greek Isles, and Sparta-- because my family is from there, and I've always dreamed of what it's like! Thank you.
I am a firm believer in the concept of "I"d rather try and fail than regret not trying at all" So I have moved ot a big city and started more than one new career. Now on my list are...finish the novel (and accompanying screenplay), skydive, make amends with my brother, see a game at every major leaugue baseball stadium
No regrets= Party nights with my friends!
No regrets for moving into my first house.
At the top of my list would be travelling the world for 12 months with my daughter, I want her to see everything!
Publicly following your blog :)
No regrets to stop working and stay home with my kids.
Parachute jump out of an airplane is on my no regrets list.
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My no regrets is living my life the way that *I* see fit!
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buy myself a boat and sail in the islands
I would like to return to China with my daughter so she can learn about the country where she was born.
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I have no regrets on skipping my high school and college graduations. The work that I put forth rather than the .
I would say my no regrets is waiting to get married so I could finish my graduate degree.
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I would say having children.
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