My little girl has been a long-time fan of Build-A-Bear and has amassed quite a collection over the years. So she was thrilled when, thanks to Build-A-Bear, she got to take a trip to the store to build the new, limited edition Blossom Bunny, part of the Collectibunny® line. (There's also an adorable limited edition Cheerful Cheeks Chick available)

First, my little girl chose a heart, rubbed it in her hand, made a wish, then gave it to the attendant to put inside the bunny. One of my favorite parts of Build-A-Bear is how your child gets to give their animal a hug test to see if it's stuffed just right. If it's too firm or too soft, the attendant will make the adjustments needed until it's perfectly huggable.

After Natalie picked out an outfit for her bunny, she headed over to the "dressing room" to dress it:
Here she is at home with her new bunny, Valerie. So cute!

Until April 4, while supplies last, kids get a free Easter basket and candy with every $20 purchase. And of course, as with all animals made at Build-A-Bear, your child can bring their creation to life at Build-A-Bearville.com.
Thanks to Build-A-Bear, one lucky reader will be selected to win a $25 gift card to use toward anything the child in your life would like to create at the store. To enter, simply leave a comment on this post letting me know what you love about Build-A-Bear.
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Deadline to enter is 11:59 EST, Sunday, March 21, 2010. Winner will be selected at random using Random.org. Good luck!
Disclosure: I received a $25 gift card from Build-A-Bear to facilitate this review.

I love the fact they always have something new and their bears are so soft and cuddly. Not to mention this bunny is too cute.
I love that it's customizable to what the child wants. They can pick the animal and outfit along with the firmness. Thanks.
follow your blog
I love that Build A Bear has more than bears! My daughter loves their cats!
ouroboro2000 at gmail dot com
I just love the sweet smiles on my daughter's faces when they're at build-a-bear.
I love the level of customization they give you.
I love that bunny! My granddaughter loves Build a Bear and I just like to watch the looks on the kid's faces as the magic happens!
I love all the adorable outfits and accessories at Build-a-Bear!
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
I'm following you on google friend connect.
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
I love the variety of stuffed animals they have at Build-A-Bear - it's definitely not just teddy bears.
Thank you for the giveaway :)
I follow your blog with google friend connect!
Thank you for the giveaway :)
heard a lot about this place, it sounds like a wonderful gift for my niece. thank you
I love the sounds you can put inside most!
Oh my goodness! Have to have this bunny!
it can be personalized to the child mverno@roadrunner.com
Would love to take my daughter in to make her own Easter bunny!
ajcmeyer at go dot com
Build A Bear has been such a great concept from the start! I like how each child can pick and create their own "friend!" Each one is unique just like the child creating it.
Many thanks, Cindi
Again, many thanks!
Also, I follow your blog publicly
via Google Friend Connect.
Thanks, Cindi
You are favored on my Technorati
Page.....Thanks, Cindi
what I like best about build-a-bear is how much my kids enjoy making their own teddy bears!
I like all the selections at build a bear. They always have such cute holiday items also.
I tweeted http://twitter.com/cstironkat/status/10524978806
I love that you can personalize everything to match whomever your making a bear for!
I love the fact that you make your own and get to decide what to put in their heart.
I love their international clothing for the plushies, especially the hanbok.
My daughter really wants the Jonas Bear! She loves Build a Bear!
My kids love them. Each one of them are so unique.
I'm a subscriber.
I love Build A Bear because they let your child customize it to their liking!
I tweeted http://twitter.com/pittsy82/status/10534090809
I follow via Google Connect
I love Build a Bear because it allows kids to create the animal of their choosing. My 2 year old grandson carries his favorite bear from BAB around with him everywhere.
eswright18 at gmail.com
tweet link
eswright18 at gmail.com
I'm a blog follower.
eswright18 at gmail.com
I love Build A Bear because it's so interactive. I took my niece & nephew there last year and they are still sleeping with the stuffed animals they made.
I follow!
I really like that a child can build their own stuffed animal and having some input in certain aspects of it instead of just buying one off a sale rack. :)
I just tweeted the giveaway. :) - ScooterMcKyle
The wole Build-A-Bear experience maked my daughter happy. And that's what I like about it.
GFC follower
I love that every experience there can be new and unique! So many different choices between the animals and outfits.
I love Build a Bear...my kids really love picking out their special friend and watching them come to life!
My daughter LOVES Build A Bear. I think it's a wonderful idea and enjoy looking at the many different outfits and accessories. It kind of makes me want to start a collection of my own.
I love Build-A-Bear because it allows children to express themselves and their personality by choosing which bear/animal and what clothing to put on it.
I love that Build A Bear is always getting new bears and clothing. It's never the same thongs when you go. My kids love getting new things for their furry friends!
I am a follower! Oh, and in my first comment, I hope you know that was a typo. Build a Bear always has new THINGS, my kids don't get new thongs for their toys. Hahaha
I love that it's TOTALLY customizable to what your child wants. They can pick the animal and outfit along with the firmness.
I follow via google friends - Renski17
Wow!! Cute bunny. I love that you put the little hearts in with a wish. Cute!! Thanks for the chance.
I love the fact that Build A Bear allows children to actually help in building the toys they play with!
contactinkspot at gmail dot com
contactinkspot at gmail dot com
I love how excited my kids get when we visit there. They tend to love their "friends" more when they have a hand in building them.
mcapel4444 at aol.com
I'm a follower on google friends.
What I love about Build-A-Bear is that you can have a heart placed into the stuffed animal which makes it more real for the child!
i love all the options at build a bear. me and the kids have never been there but would love to go badly
I love that Build-a-bear has such a great variety of outfits.
ssovrnej (at) gmail.com
ssovrnej (at) gmail.com
ssovrnej (at) gmail.com
I follow your blog through Google Friend Connect as Jen V
ssovrnej (at) gmail.com
I love that my children get to create their own build a bear and add their own personal touches.
tweeted http://twitter.com/vhubler/status/10621111737
I love that there are so many choices for both boys and girls. My son is begging to go there for his birthday this year, even though he's turning eight. He's never made one so this would be nice to give him.
My son has not yet had a chance to go to build a bear (he's 6) but I think he'd love that he can create his own stufftie. He loves his stuffties!
melissamcnicol at yahoo dot com
I like the fact that you can dress your friend if you want to!
I like Build a Bear because they encourage creativity and there are tons of locations near my home.
Thanks :)
mem4dr at gmail dot com
I love that the child helps to create their own special baby so they feel very attached to it.
katiekarr at gmail dot com
I love that Build a Bear is so personalized! Each animal is customized especially for each child, even down to its heart! :D The employees are friendly and helpful too, which is nice.
onlychocolate4me at gmail dot com
onlychocolate4me at gmail dot com
I follow your blog.
onlychocolate4me at gmail dot com
I love that there is something for everyone- they express every mood and occasion.
I love Build-a-Bear because everything is so cute and my children have a blast!
Google friend follower.
I like that they have such a great variety of stuffed animals and a large selection of outfits to pick from.
I love that kids do everything to make the animal themselves! They love them way more than a store-bought animal!
I follow
I have your button
I like the creativity and personal touches.Jennifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com
I like the variety of stuffed animals and that the kids have a feeling of actually making their own.
I love Build a Bear because it allows me to do things with my girls and make memories!
charmtime at gmail dot com
I think its like a magical place. When my oldest daughter was sixteen she had her sweet sixteen at build a bear on her birthday with four close friends so they would have a bear each born on her birthday. My little one just loves looking and dreaming about her christmas list. I guess the thing i like most about build a bear is it is a place that you can share with your kids of all ages and than your grandkids.
waitressdani (at) hotmail (dot) com
I love the variety - something for everyone!
msboatgal at aol.com
I love that they make it a special unique experience for kids. My son loves the monkey he made there when his sister was born.
I follow your blog as degood
I love that this place is all about kids. They get to personalize their bear the way they want. :)
I love their prices! Everything is very reasonable, especially the clothes. My kids love shopping for their animals. :)
I love their vast selection of animals. There's something for everyone in one happy place. trinitygsd at yahoo dot com
I like that each creation can be unique.
I'm following your blog in Google Friend Connect.
I like BAB because Gracie loves it. She can pick out exactly what she wants and pick out an outfit and make the bear her own creation
I love the individuality of choosing your stuffed animal and watching the child as she watches the process.
What's not to love about Build-A-Bear? The animals are neat, the clothes and accessories are cute, and the whole process of making a "new friend" is a lot of fun! As an adult even I LOVE going to Build-A-Bear!!
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
I faved you on Technorati
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
Tweet! Tweet!
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
I love the joy the kids get in making their own toys.
I love that everything is set to my daughter's eyes. She can easily reach all the outfits on the shelves and most of the accessories too. Although she is only 4, she wants to go look at the outfits every time we go to the mall. She would love to make a new friend for her little sister (she hesitates to share hers)
I love that Build-A-Bear products because the child gets to be involved
I love all the outfits that you can choose for your new stuffed buddy.
I love that the kids get to customize their new friend from start to finish. The choices of animals are really great too.
I love that kids get to be part of the creation of the bear. Children learn best from hands on experience.
I love creating an experience for your child - not just buying another stuffed animal.
I follow your blog publicly - didn't see a link on the right but found one up on top
I love that my kids love build a bear. they really have a great time there making their animals and accessorizing :)
I am an email subscriber at misaacmom at gmail dot com
button at bloggysweeps
I was finally able to take my girls there for the first time. My youngest absolutely loves her bunny. She loved that she got to help stuff, pick out it's special heart and dress it. The bunny now goes with us everywhere. Thank you!!
I love it because the kids can pick and dress whatever they want,lets them have tons of fun!
I like that the kids can pick out the outfits.
I love the multitude of choices they offer, that they are specifically a place for children to have a great time, and that they offer unique selections, such as a sting ray, for stuffing!
I love Build A Bear because you can totally customize your animal. I still love going there...it's a fun place for all ages.
blog follower
i love that they have such a vast array and selection of such adorable animals with the choice of so many outfits and accessories :)
following your blog as klp1965
tech fav klp1965
I like that the kids get to design just what they want
I love that kids get to be such a huge part of the process. My daughter would love this!
jewelsntreasures (at) yahoo (dot) com
I really like that kids can pick exactly what they want from the animal to the outfit!
Thanks - Sarah Z
believedreamcourage (at) gmail.com
what i love most is the smile it used to put on my son when he built a bear, and the quality is incredible
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my tweet
I like how affordable the bears are and how they let my little girl kiss the heart that goes inside of the bear. She loves that!
I love that Build-A-Bear has all kinds of animals. They are constantly adding new additions. They have so many outfits too. There is always something for everyone. You can have great birthday parties there
We love putting their little hearts in with a kiss
brdgcombs at aol dot com
brdgcombs at aol dot com
tweet http://twitter.com/ivansmom60/statuses/10848402803
My girls love BAB. The designs are cute, they are well made & the kids feel special helping make the bears & other animals.
I love that you can create any kind of plush you want.
I love that you have many different options as to what your stuff animal wears, thanks!
I love that it is so special for the child making a new friend. My kids love to choose their friend, add a sound, heart, etc of their own choice, choose an outfit. They LOVE to go to Build a bear, it is so fun for them and makes their new friend so very special.
mainlandmama at gmail dot com
I love that not only does it show what goes into making a stuffed animal, a learning experience but it also creates a memory for your child.
I like all of the customization options at Build-A-Bear.
I love all the options. They really make my kids feel special.
Faved on technorati.(donnak4)
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