Update: Please note the new deadline of April 27 for this contest. I'm bumping up the date so that I can feature this contest in the very awesome Bloggy Giveaways Carnival! Click here to enter all of the other fabulous giveaways going on there. Good luck!
Lice. Just that one word can elicit fear and dread in any parent.
I clearly remember last summer when a neighbor called to inform me that one of the girls our daughters play with outside had contracted lice. I was filled with worry, but fortunately my children escaped it.
I also remember as a child, when the two boys next door to me came down with lice. Their mother searched my head for any signs of the bugs, then offered to cut my hair extremely short "just in case." My grandmother, thankfully, put any such ideas quickly to rest! And I was lucky again to have not contracted the dreaded lice.
Should your children, or mine, ever contract lice, however, there is a product they can turn to for help that is non-toxic, free of dyes, perfumes and harsh chemicals and pesticide-free. Lice MD is pediatrician-tested and clinically proven to get rid of lice, their eggs and nits, while avoiding the use of dangerous pesticides such as lindane, a pesticide that was banned for agricultural use in 2006 by the FDA.

Some lice products still use lindane, which makes you wonder why any company would make a product that requires parents to fill their child's hair with a banned pesticide.
Aside from being pesticide-free, Lice MD is odorless and contains a conditioning agent. Thus, combing out your child's hair is less stressful and less painful than with other products.
I have one 4 oz. treatment (enough for long hair) of Lice MD to give away to one reader. You never know when you might need it! (but I'm hoping you don't) Simply leave a comment here by 11:59, April 27. Winner will be selected at random using Random.org and announced on April 28. Good luck!
I guess I should have this before I need it.
I'm in Canada, but hope that is okay! Didn't notice any mention of it :). My Mom has lice problems all the time with my little brother, so far so good over here, but you never now! And I am SO not into pesticides!
jennifer @ quiverfull family . com
It is so funny that I found this giveaway...I had heard last week that some children in our town had lice. My skin started to crawl at the very mention of it especially because my son goes to preschool and is involved in many other activities. His preschool teacher said that she always kept a bottle at home just in case...I am thinking that isn't such a bad idea. Thanks for the giveaway.
I just read a review about this on another blog and thought I'd like to have some on handy for when my daughter starts kindergarten this fall; although I hope to not have to use it!
I hope to not ever need this product, but it would come in handy if I did.
Approximately four years ago, my son had head lice and that was a nightmare. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it never happens again.
I have three kids, and we had lice ONCE, and it would be so nice to have something around for "just in case."
I never needed it so far with my kids. But I worry about it with my daughter going to school and being around so many kids that may have it.
I saw a sign on my kid's school door today: "A Case if Lice has Been Reported in the Preschool"
Very curious give-away...but you never know when you are going to need it so I'll enter! :-)
My daughter's school had an outbreak of this recently. My first grader learned that if she starts scratching her head they will call Mom to come get her!
We are in need of this right now! My niece has lice again. This is her 3rd time in about 5 months getting it. She is only 3 and I hate those chemically kind that you would normally use. This sounds like it would be perfect. luckily, it is a very mild case, unlike the first time.
That's scary about the chemicals. Having lice killer is like irony insurance. My mom usually had a box under the bathroom sink. One day we were cleaning it out and she said it was old and we were "too old" to get lice so she threw it away. Not even a month later, my sister got it!
This is great to have on hand. My youngest has hair down to her behind, so I am always afraid that she will get it.
There are 2 kids at church with it right now. It might be nice to have some on hand just in case! cookiecutter72 AT hotmail dot com
I have two school age children, so while I hope we don't need it, it would be good to have on hand. Thanks for the giveaway! :)
I have to say I hope I never need this product....but if I do this sounds like the one to have on hand!
Thanks for the giveaway!
You know, as luck would have it, if I DON'T enter this contest, my kid will get lice next week. Doesn't it always work that way?
who knows when yu'll need this with kids
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