Most of us are feeling the pinch this holiday season and if you're like me, you're doing your best to score "deals and steals" while doing your shopping.
The makers of Good Housekeeping have long been respected as the go-to source for such money-saving ideas. Now, they've come out with a book filled with their tips.
Good Deals & Smart Steals: How to Save Money on Everything by the editors of Good Housekeeping, is a perfect book for frugal shoppers. Whether your shopping for big or small-ticket items, you're bound to find a tip to help you stretch your dollar.
Part One, "How to Be a Smart Shopper," covers everything from rebates, to negotiating, to "stacking" and more. Stacking is the process of combining coupons, rebates, and other discounts.
I was able to use this technique recently at Victoria's Secret online, where you're allowed to use three coupon codes at a time. Their $60 pajamas were on sale for $40, and they were offering a pair of free slippers with every pajama purchase.
I searched online for more deals and was also able to get a 20% discount and this free set of perfumes (containing over a dozen Victoria Secret scents) just by using coupon codes:

So for less than $40, I received a pair of luxurious pajamas, matching slippers, and a set of Victoria Secret's finest perfumes (all valued at roughly $130 combined). Stacking has to be one of my favorite tips in the book! You can even stack on top of stacking...I made a few more individual orders for gifts for the women in my family and scored the same deal over and over.
Part two, "Get a Good Deal," covers various categories of shopping such as fashion and beauty, entertainment and cars. Which part do you think I went to first?
Mmm hmmm....fashion and beauty. *grin* I love the blurb under this section:
"Sometimes half the fun of looking good is in shopping for the right clothes, shoes, and makeup, and getting your hair done perfectly. The other half comes from finding a bargain in all these areas, which is easy to do with the tips in this chapter."
A chapter after my own heart! :) One tip is to check for deals from your favorite stores online before buying in person. I use this method when getting my kids' hair cut at Cartoon Cuts. They always have a discount coupon that can be printed out for each child and I make sure I have those with me before we go.
Want to learn some tricks for yourself? Thanks to Meryl L. Moss Media Relations, Inc., one lucky person will win a copy of Good Housekeeping's Good Deals & Smart Steals: How to Save Money on Everything
To enter, simply leave a comment here with your best money-saving tip. Be sure there is an email to be found or your entry will have to be disqualified.
For bonus entries, you can do one or all of the following:
~Blog about this contest on your site with a link to this post, then leave a separate comment here with your link.
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Deadline to enter is 11:59 EST, Wednesday, December 17, 2008. Winner will be selected at random using Random.org, posted here and contacted by email.
Good luck!

wow I try to save money but always could get more tips
looks like a great book - best tip is to think about the little expenses, not just the big ones.
twittered it
Always measure your dishwasher detergent. You could be using double what you actually need.
buy used books instead of new ones you can save lots of money that way con5459(at)gmail(dot)com
Before purchasing anything on the internet, do a search to see if there are coupons or codes available. Most times I find extra savings this way. Thanks for this giveaway.
Use coupons, print them and get them in your sunday papers and go through sales ads and see what you can get for a good deal.
rebbi511 at peoplepc.com
Don't send out as many Christmas cards. Save on postage prices besides buying the cards which could run 2 bux a pop.
Use your Library for books rather than buying them, they even have magazines save on subscriptions. Use your leftovers,don't let anything go to waste. Bring a thermos of coffee or even water to work with you rather than buying bottled water, or picking up a cup of Joe on the way to work. Bring your lunch to work, don't order out.
Scour thrift stores. Goodwill has name-brand clothing for a fraction of the price. Scour thrift shops and flea markets for things that can be repurposed. A coffee table can become a child's play table with a little bit of effort and at far less cost than a new one.
I subscribe.
shop bargains! thrift stores salvation army...thnx for the opp here
My best money-saving tip is to avoid eating out as much as possible. Cooking at home is such a money saver for me!
When grocery shopping, stay to the outside perimeter of the grocery store. The more expensive processed foods are further in.
cook at home its much cheaper
I subscribed
My tip for saving is to always dump all your change in a jar, piggy bank, or other object and don't touch it until you absolutely have to or at Christmas time and you will be surprised how much money you have actually saved.
My best money saving tip is buying in bulk when your favorite items are on sale and use coupons whenever possible.
By using coupons for as much as possible.
I save money by shopping at dollar tree.
If you read paper backs try to find a bookshop that will let you
trade them for other books. You usually get a per centage of the original price of the book. I have a large credit at my local second hand bookstore. I have not had to pay for paperbacks for a while.
My best money-saving tip is...to double your money, fold it in half and put it in your wallet!
I posted on my blog: http://wutgives.blogspot.com/2008/12/so-blonde-walks-into-review-win-good.html
I tweeted (cmgnbox01).
I subscribed.
My best money saving tip? Enlist the help of a buddy :) My best friend and I are big time bargain shoppers. We let each other know what we are looking for and then both of us hunt down the lowest price. When we find something the other is looking for or something we know they can use, at a really good price, we call each other up and will even buy the stuff for each other. I cannot tell you how much money we have saved this way.
I visit the three local thrift stores at least once a week. I buy things for my friends and family. I buy things to sell on ebay. I buy things to save for my annual garage sale.
I'm more of a taker than a giver, I just don't think of most of these. I will say I go to bradsdeals.com for online coupons. The ideas already listed here are fantastic. What a great idea for a giveaway.
I just stay out of the mall. If I don't see what's out there, I don't seem to want as much.
Give gift cards or cash - keeps you out of the stores and not tempted while shopping.
Thanks for the giveaway.
smdrm at earthlink dot net
I'm a subscriber via Google Reader.
smdrm at earthlink dot net
Seek out the bargain racks. I buy most of my clothes at Macy's and Lord & Taylors and both of them have racks with 60 to 70% off and then if you have a coupon you really save. I've bought $75 peices for as little as $12.
I'm subscribed to your feed.
Use your public library. They don't just have books anymore! DVDs, CDs, classes, exhibits, social groups, and online access --there's all kinds of stuff to "check out" at your local library, all for FREE!
Borrow books and DVDs from your local public library, where you can use them for free (or sometimes a small charge of $1 or so for the DVD). If you're a big reader or DVD user, you can save hundreds of dollars over the course of a year. asthenight at gmail dot com
These tips are all excellent. I always buy the humungo size of liquid hand soap at Sam's, and fill my own dispensers, rather than buy the individual foo-foo containers of hand soap.
its simple buy bulk
I am a big fan of the dollar store(dollar tree). I buy all my cards(50cents) and beautiful gift wrap and gift bags there for a dollar. I stock up on other bargains while there
garage sales! I love them. You can get some great deals.
Shop end of season sales. I bought over $1700 of games (great for gifts, donations to places and toys for tots) for $65 last year. I did put a couple on ebay to get my initial investment back, but then I had LOTS of nice gifts to use for gifts!
do research online...check all the stores...and go for the least expensive...type the item you want under 'seach' and tons will show up,...may even be cheaper to order online
am subscribed. THANKS again!
My best money-saving tip is to work with my husband on purchases. We will work together to find a coupon, rebate, online discount, or other bargain price when we are looking to purchase something. It's fun, saves us a TON of money, and afterwards we can gloat together over a (buy one, get one free) meal out!
We clip coupons and save them to combine with sales. Also, make sure you join the loyalty programs at the stores you shop at. I got a 20% off coupon in my email from Petco that we were able to combine with manufacturer's coupons to save big.
So I'll dye my hair and try and save some $$$
Before I buy anything, I ask myself "Do I need it?", If not, I don't buy it.
Do not have a debit card!
I love a bargin! In truth, I love the Art of the Bargin!
Barter!! If you are in need of say, a plumber. See if he'll be willing to barter for his services. For instance, you'll give his child piano lessons for two months. You'll be surprised how many will take you up on the offer!
Feed Subscriber!
My tip is always try to use coupons and comparison shop.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
oooh great looking book. My best tip is don't grocery shop with kids, husband, or hungry.
Use grocery bags as small trash bags in the small cans.
we use coupons and ad matches to save on the grocery bill.use freecycle when we can and enter sweepstakes:)
I use coupons and buy store brands
I use coupons for shopping and save greatly
I "stretch" my liquid laundry detergent (I have an older washer), by only using 3/4 of a capful for a large load, then running water into the cap about 3 times and it still makes suds. This works well with the concentrated liquid. Also when the jug is "empty"...I run water in it and shake it and after doing this for about 3 washes, I've used every drop!
My best tip is to shop with coupons and compare prices. Thanks for the chance to win.
boy that stacking idea sounds terrific never heard of that before When things are on sale I buy bulk say canned tomotoes are 10 for $5 I may buy 30 cans I use them allot so I buy them on sale instead of paying a buck a piece when not on sale
My Best Tip: Don't buy an item just because it's on sale!!! Be sure there is a use for it as well. (I no longer feel tempted to buy something just because it's a great deal! However, in the past I did just that.)
ebay. i buy almost everything there, and save quite a lot of money
Make a weekly menu or longer and write down what you plan on having. That way you can plan for busy days, and also only buy what you need.
Look for an item on Craigslist etc. There are a lot of people needing money and may part with something you need for a good price.
I shop with only cash, it’s too easy to spend money with credit and debit cards because you don’t keep track of what you’re spending.
Money saving tips...how can one go wrong?
I always try and save money with the basics while grocery shopping using coupons, but I'll admit I'd never heard of stacking. I can't wait to give it a try!
pauline15_01 at hotmail dot com
Don't buy as much stuff!
Don't overspend on electronics.
You don't have to pay top dollar for outstanding performance.
google printable coupons on the net before shopping
Im a coupon clipper! I usually save about 35% of the bill that way. I'd love to win this!!
Im also a subscriber!!
I can always use more help. Thanks!
I stock up on items when they are on sale. I try to get enough to last me until I think they will go on sale again. That way I never pay full price for anything.
I buy a lot of my clothes and my son's clothes at thrift stores! justicecw@hotmail.com
Take advantage of those sales!
My best moneysaving tips has to do with Christmas shopping. I never pay full price for anything. I bought all of my gifts on sale this year. I even purchased more gifts than last year, but for a lot less money. I took the time to compare prices online, view store sales fliers, and more. By only buying things on sale, I was able to cut my Christmas spending and save money.
Don't buy large quantities if you're going to end up wasting most of it. AztecFeller@aol.com
For book lovers, the library is not only a great place for books, you can also check out audio books (ideal when driving), cds, dvds, and computer software. Mine also has a section where you can BUY used books cheap. Great!
Eat at home, thats a HUGE one!
leechrista @ gmail dot com
Clipping coupons from the Sunday newspaper as well as grocery stores' websites allows my family and I to save money.
bellebracero at gmail dot com
i buy grocery coupons on ebay they save me loads of cash :)
Coupons, coupons, coupons!
I try to save money but anything more than coupons is beyond me. I would love to get some additional ideas.
Cut out all the things we don't really need just want. Amazing when money is down how you are able to do just that
I'm a subscriber
well being a single mother I use a whole bunch of coupons, I freeze foods, I buy in bulk. When we have nothing I will go to the food banks. Or I eat from the dollar menu or split food at resturants
Always stock up when the price is right! It may seem like a big drop in the bucket buying large quantities of toilet paper when it's on sale, but when you don't have to buy it for a few months, the savings will start to show.
My best money saving tip is actually something you mentioned - ALWAYS do a search for coupon codes before placing an order while shopping online. I have saved so much money this way and it doesn't take much time to do. Congrats on the Victoria's Secret score, that's awesome!
I subscribe.
I blogged about the giveaway here: http://iloveagiveaway.blogspot.com/2008/12/windy-wednesday-giveaways.html
please enter me thank you
Buy textbooks used on Amazon.com then resell them after the semester is over.
I use ebates.com so that when I make purchases online I get cash back.
Don't buy on impulse. Shop around for the best bargain.
Before I shop online, I search for coupons/codes. I also clip coupons and print coupons from the internet to use in stores too.
Coupons! I use them all the same for nearly everything. It's fun to see how much I can save!
I am a coupon queen & shop at my local thift store & go garage sale'n.
Would love to win this book & gain more knowledge on how to save money!
I use Ebates.
I am a subscriber.
Use coupons and compare prices :)
Plan your meals for the week around weekly store ad(s) and coupons you have.
I try to combine supermarket sales with coupons.
I subscribed to your blog.
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