Emma from It's Write Now is giving away a really cool 8-Gig, Red, iPod, Nano, Video!!! *(You have no idea how much I want to win this one! I'm still stuck in the stone age with my ugly, silver and ORANGE, bulky CD walkman...ugh! And it's falling apart, too). Deadline to enter is midnight on October 31. Click here for full details on entering.
Carolyn from Mrs. Mordant is hosting a giveaway where you can win a $100 Visa Gift Card!!!! Full details can be found here. Deadline to enter is October 15.
Steph over at Adventures in Babywearing is giving away Protect-A-Bed bedding protectors for all your children's beds. Click here for full contest details. Deadline to enter is Friday September 21, 10 PM (CST.)

I Want My Samples is giving away a $25 gift card to Best Buy! Visit the contest post for full details, and check out Free Samples - MillionDollarWiki as well. Winners will be notified by email on October 1.

5 Minutes for Mom is giving away a sleek Rocketfish Wireless Multimedia Bluetooth Keyboard and Laser Mouse. Click here for full details. Deadline to enter is unknown.

Naomi at superdumb supervillain is hosting two giveaways right now. You can win a short-sleeved white cotton nursing nightgown in size medium from Boob. Click here for full details. Deadline to enter is October 5th.

You can also win a Learning Tower and Playhouse Kit valued at approximately $203. Click here for complete details on how to enter. Deadline is September 30.

Mums the Wurd is giving away a $150 ecertificate to the very hip clothing store Zutano. Click over to their contest post for full details. The winner will be announced September 30th, 2007, at 10 PM CST.

~Win a $25 gift certificate to Amazon.com! Jenny and Erin are on a "quest for understanding" and are hosting the giveaway, and all you have to do is answer the following questions:
How big of a role do habits play in your daily life? Do your habits typically form intentionally or unconsciously? What approaches have you found successful in shaping them?
Visit their contest post for full entry details. Deadline to enter is September 21. Here's my answer to the questions:
I believe habits can be formed both intentionally and unconsciously. And habits can be both good and bad. One habit that's played a big part in my daily life is mindless and/or stress eating. I've had to make a conscious effort to think about when and what I eat to break this bad habit I've acquired. Keeping track with a journal has helped me tremendously in that regard (and helped me to lose 15 pounds!). So I formed the bad habit unconsciously and have been breaking it intentionally!

~MumsTheWord is hosting a giveaway where you can win a $100 gift card to Natural Pod. Worried about all of the toy recalls and lead paint as much as I am? Then you'll definitely want to try out Natural Pod. You can shop with the security of knowing that their products are safe and natural.
Head over to Mums the Wurd to enter the contest and to learn more about this important issue. All comments will be compiled and presented to the FDA in an October 1 meeting with the Bush administration.
Contest ends on Wednesday, September 19th at 10:00pm CST.

~Love the design of this site as much as I do? How could you not? Well, Mia from The Blog Cafe is offering YOU an opportunity to get a FREE...yes I said free....design for your blog!
Head on over to the contest post at her personal blog "Moms at it Again" for your chance to win. Hurry! Answer will be posted Friday!
Don't worry if you miss it, as she'll be holding this contest every Thursday and whoever answers the trivia question correctly gets put in a drawing for the free design. Winner will be chosen at the end of the month. Good luck!
Thanks for entering!
Hey -
Good job on the 15 pounds! Mindless eating is a killer.
Thanks for mentioning and entering Jenny and my contest! I will be posting the first batch of entries tomorrow morning.
Thanks for entering! Good Luck. And I love your blog :D
Thanks your in. Best of Luck and thanks for the post. Emma
Thanks for entering the Rockin' Baby pouch giveaway... Good luck!
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