Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Hanes' Halloween

My daughter Amanda is having surgery today, so if you would kindly keep her in your thoughts and/or prayers, I would be so grateful. This, and a new puppy, have kept me very busy so I have not been able to update you with contests around the blogosphere. I promise to get back to posting those soon. And don't forget to enter my Barefoot Books contest below! Thank you!

Halloween is fast approaching! Still haven't gotten a costume for your kids yet? Tired of spending $25 or more for cheap costumes that fall apart after one night of trick or treating?

Hanes has the perfect solution! If you missed my previous article with tips on creating costumes (and other topics) from Jacquelyn Mitchard (in an exclusive interview with Hanes), be sure to click here.

Now on to the adorable costumes you can create with simple and affordable Hanes tees!

This is the one I created tonight for Natalie in about an hour or so:

You can find the instructions for making this oh-so-cute gypsy costume here. (Click on "Family Fun Zone" once you're there).

Now don't let the instructions turn you away! I am VERY blonde and I was able to figure it out easily once I put my blonde mind to it. *grin* And it was super fast and super easy!

I'm a VERY busy homeschooling mom with tons on my plate and no sleep because of my newborn new puppy. And it was still easy enough to fit it into my hectic schedule, as well as relaxing and fun to make.

I am so kicking myself for purchasing a Fiona from Shrek costume for Natalie before I found out about this! ($25) Natalie loves the gypsy costume so much that she doesn't want to be Fiona anymore, and I can't return the Fiona one because, of course, she's worn it all over the house and applied all of the tattoos that came with it, lol.

Natalie said that the store-bought Fiona costume was itchy and uncomfortable. The gypsy costume is made with all Hanes comfy t-shirts and that was her favorite part about it.....that it was so comfortable.

I'll be making the other two costumes from the Hanes site soon and will post photos of those as well. They require less t-shirts than the gypsy costume, but I'm telling's SO worth it to purchase the tees for the gypsy one. It's our favorite and it really is adorable. And the tees are affordable (and high quality) so you'll still save money over a store bought costume!

I was also thinking that these costumes would be perfect for a school play! I've participated in a few plays produced by our homeschool group and I'm going to be sharing these instructions with my fellow homeschool moms. I'm sure we could get creative and come up with some of our own using Hanes' tees, too.

Keep an eye out for the other two costumes, one of which I might offer as a giveaway if I can convince my kids to part with one, lol.


Anonymous said...

That is BRILLIANT! And she looks so adorable, too. I'm bookmarking that site myself, I already bought the kids' costumes, but it would be fun to make the gypsy outfit just for dress-up. Thanks for the link!

Amanda said...

super cute costumes! I ordered mine from the lady who makes them back in July. LOL

Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

I haven't been able to make the rounds as I'd like to lately, and I have to tell you that you've been on my heart - and now I know why! I hope all is well!


BlondeBlogger said...

~Elizabeth- Thank you! I've always wanted to be one of those moms who made their kids' costumes, and now I am! :)

They really do make cute dress-up costumes, too. Our puppy is battling Natalie for the gypsy belt, though, lol.

~Amanda- You're more prepared than me! I'm usually scrambling to find a half-decent costume at the last minute (and it's always slim-pickins!)

~Steph- Awww, thank you so much! You are so sweet! Everything went smoothly, despite it being pretty painful for her. She gets the packing out on Monday (she had sinus surgery and a septoplasy-sp?). Thanks for thinking of us! I haven't been able to get around either and have missed you!((((HUGS))))

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