Well, friends, Santa has finally gotten with the times and is now making his list and checking it twice...online! Santa's Big List offers a free Christmas online gift registry with instant access to over 75 popular retailers!
Santa's also gone high-tech with email service. You can now email your child's wish list to Santa, and they will receive an automated, personal reply within 24-hours. When the wish-list is received, a secret registry is created that only parents can see, so Santa AND you know what your child wants and can share it with others.
Now, when Aunt Carol, Uncle Joe, Cousin Jane, Grandma Barb (and on and on) ask what your child wants for Christmas, you can direct them all to your free online registry that you created. That takes a lot of the hassle out of the holidays for you and your family.
Your family and friends can be granted private access to your registry where they can utilize the "pick a present" feature to choose which gifts to buy your children.
If you want to get really fancy (and who doesn't at Christmas?!), you can enroll your child on Santa's naughty or nice list and purchase a certificate that he/she can proudly display (well, that's if he/she makes the nice list, of course *grin*)
Also available for purchase are unique, creative and fun "Santa Diplomas," as well as a popular "Official Santa Landing Zone" yard sign:

To enter, simply leave a comment here. Contest will run until Saturday, November 17 at 11:59 p.m. Winner will be drawn and announced on Sunday, November 18. Good luck!
And while you're entering, get your naughty or nice self over to Santa's Big List and start making those lists! :)
Hi, Please enter me in your Santa giveaway. Happy Holidays! Cindi
I would love to win a free sign! Santa had darn well better come to my house this year, I've been VERY good ;)
I would love to win this, we will be moving on the 23rd so this would work great showing santa which hotel we will be in. lol I added the giveaway too.
Would love to have this on my front lawn when my son comes home from serving in Iraq (2nd Lieutenant in US Army)to ensure that Santa knows where to leave his gifts! Please enter me in your contest! Thank you, Diane Jones, Houston
Oh, count me in! :)
please enter me.
We need a sign as its Connor's first christmas and Santa might not know to come see us!!!
My daughter would get such a kick out of this!
What a fun Christmas decoration this would be!!
I just love Christmas signs! They look so neat in other people's yards, that I would just love one in my yard!
Thanks for such a great festive giveaway!
Oh, what fun, and what a great way to get into the Christmas spirit. We have a paltry collection of Christmas decor, so this sign would make our home much more festive. Fun!
Thanks for the tip on Santa's Big List! I've been looking for a service like that - and it seems perfect!
My kids would love to add this to our Christmas decor in our yard.
I love things like this!
A brilliant way to be more festive and in the mood this year !
Please enter me!
Hi Dawn,
Great Santa's Contest you have here. Do share with me how you managed to get great sponsors for such contests. :-)
Please enter me. Thanks!! :)
How wonderful, please count me in. What a wonderful way to be so festive.
Cute!! Enter me in!
How cool! Please enter me!
i hope i win!
Pick Me, Pick Me, Pick Me. Hehe.
GREAT idea! Enter me, please!
jane [at] pinksandblues [dot] com
yard signs... anything to help celebrate "festivus"
"Official Santa Landing Zone".....These are so cute! Would love to have one of these for my front lawn! :)
What a kewl sign!
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