Tuesday, June 10, 2008

MatchMaster Giveaway

What kid doesn't love video games? Most days, I have to make my kids stop playing them so they can get outdoors and get some exercise.

Now, there's a hand held video game that teaches kids the importance of exercise, healthy eating and discipline! MatchMaster, associated with The David Beckham Academy, is an interactive soccer game that combines fun with fitness.

The lightweight, easy-to-use electronic game is available in royal blue and sky blue with a retail price of $19.96 and is sold at Wal-Mart. The game offers seven virtual soccer games and four Infra Red games, allowing players to challenge others to become the ultimate MatchMaster.

Players must select their “Daily Routine Planner” during select time frames, which includes choosing meals, training and sleep to cultivate a stronger virtual player. These key elements encourage children to maintain a healthy “Lifeline”, which can be directly related to their daily lives, but in a fun and interactive way.

The better coached player will perform at a higher level during the seven interactive training games allowing them to accumulate more points. Once the player masters the training games they can test their skills against another player using one of the four Infra Red challenges.

My 7-year-old daughter Natalie, and my 11-year-old son Matthew, both LOVE their games! Here's what they had to say about MatchMaster:
Natalie: "I love that you get to play against other people with the infrared."
Matthew:"I love that you get to create your own player and tell him when to eat, sleep, train and play."

They play head-to-head games all the time by simply aiming their games at each other (so that the infrared recognizes the other game).

I am giving away TWO games to one lucky winner (so that the winner will be able to play against others).

Simply leave a comment here letting me know what your favorite physical activity is. Deadline to enter is 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday, June 17. Winner will be selected at random using Random.org. Winner has two weeks to respond to prize notification or prize is forfeited. One entry per person. Please be sure there is an email address that I may reach you at should you win.

To enter MatchMaster's separate sweepstakes, click here. The sweepstake prizes range from a trip for ten to London to trips to Los Angeles and training courses at the David Beckham Academies.


Heather said...

How interesting. We love to swim around here, but I did play soccer as a kid...

PinksandBluesGirls said...

Awesome!! I have never seen this before.
I miss you! How have you been!!?? Any big plans for the summer!!??


Anonymous said...

My favorite physical activity is chasing my two year old. Thanks so much for the opportunity.


Anonymous said...

I love gardening in my yard...everything looks so pretty this time of year.

Sonya Cocherell said...

My favorite form of exercise is swimming. I love it. Thanks for the chance.

agordon10 said...

Mine is biking, my sons' is soccer.

rewcath said...

My favorite activity is taking my dogs for a walk and playing with them

susan1215 said...

I like to swim

john1948 said...

I like to walk

peg42 said...

Mine is walking. I love walking around our neighborhood. Thanks so much for offering this.

bmorin54 said...

Any kind of exercise I can do with my kids.

nctrnlone said...

fave is walking with my dog. we both benefit

abfantom said...

Biking and hiking

E. Shen said...

Long, long, walks. Great blog....great contest!

Molly C. said...

Now that it is summer, swimming is at the top of our families list. We also like to play at our local park.

Anonymous said...

My favortie physical activities are the ones we do as a family. We go swimming together and the kids and I are training for a 5k together. I can only do a 5k walk because of health but the oldest two kids are running 5ks in October. I'm so proud and excited for them. :)


Dawn said...

Snow skiing!!!! In the 100+ TX heat, it sounds even better!

Thanks for the giveaway!

windycindy said...

What a fabulous prize! My two sons would enjoy playing one another. This reminds me of the "Giga Pets that one had to take care of or the pet would die! If I remember correctly, if you changed the battery, the pet owner could start all over again! I like your game much better. A great concept to teach today's children. Please enter me in your drawing. Thanks, Cindi

Christi S said...

This would be awesome for my boys, who love video games and could certainly use some more physical activity! My fave exercise is dance, but when I can't do that, I like working out at Curves! Thanks for a great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

My fav. activity is going to amusement parks and scaring the daylights our of myself on the coasters

Anonymous said...

I love walking and playing some soccer with our boys at times.

Ilissa said...

My favorite physical activity is bicycling. Thanks for the chance.

Anonymous said...

I love geocaching, I just wish I made it out more!

Anonymous said...

I enjoy swimming. It's all I do!

strawberry3d said...

i enjoy walking and playing basketball.

ddtavener said...

My family are all soccer fans/players/coaches, I can't believe we havn't heard of these yet!

janetfaye said...

I enjoy fitness walking at a fast pace.

Jill Myrick (jsc123) said...

My all time favorite physical activity is swimming.
Thank you so much for offering this wonderful contest.
I would LOVE to win !!

Stephen Saunders said...

Probably biking.

Anonymous said...

Bikeing, swimming, and gardening, are all tied for my faves.

Anonymous said...

My two boys would have fun with this. My favorite physical activities are walking and volleyball.

Bunny B said...

I love swimming and playing squash! Thank you for the chance!

bunnybox9 at gmail . com

Anonymous said...

Swimming would be my favorite but I also like to play a mean game of volleyball.

idahomom said...

I like to play soccer with my boys. Thanks for the chance.

denyse said...

We love swimming and biking.

rbauske said...


Steph said...

Our favorite activities are soccer, walking and WiiFit!

Betty N said...

mine is walking but I four grandkids that are really into soccer! They would love for grandma to win this.

Mya Brooks said...

Camping and hiking and fishing are my faves! I kick my husband's butt...lol


jennem said...

We love mountain biking.

Pat Schraier said...

Only real physical activity I get these days is going to the gym.

Valerie Taylor Mabrey said...


Miss Spoken said...

My favorite physical activity is walking outdoors in the spring/summer. It's something I can do alone or with the family; doesn't cost anything; can be done at home, on vacation, etc.

Anonymous said...

Very nice. I would like this for my kids.

Elena said...

Well, I don't know if it's my favorite, but I do exercise videos every day. It keeps me moving, so it works! :) Thanks for the contest

Anonymous said...

My favorite physical activity is working out on my eliptical...40 minutes a day everyday (except sundays).

This is a great contest that my two little girls could play at the same time (together)...awesome!!!

Anonymous said...

We love walking on the beach! With shoes in the winter and barefoot in the summer as it makes you work harder!

Great giveaway, my two grandkidlets would love to play with these.


kygirl said...

We love to play volleyball and badmintin outside great exercise.

Candie L said...

Our family is huge in baseball during the summer months. My boys would love this game because it makes them think and it is not just another one of those boring walk through games

mogrill said...

Swimming is wonderful. I really enjoy it!

poppafarmer said...

i really enjoy swimming

Anonymous said...

Golf! Thanks for having this contest. I really appreciate it.

HilLesha O'Nan said...

My favorite activity besides chasing a 2 year old is working out. It makes me feel good.

danosor said...

Favorite exercise is walking,yes walking.

Bern said...

I like going for walks.

pauline15 said...

Depending on the weather, my son and I go swimming every evening.

jffryclough said...

we walk a long beach

Prek Noey said...

I love any time of dance or kickboxing, love doing weights as well. thanks

dhunt said...

Any kind of exercise I can do with my kids.

Anonymous said...

I like to swim in the ocean, laughing as I "fight" the waves, dive into them or body surf.


Toby said...

What a great contest: wonderful prize!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for running these wonderful contests!


msrodeobrat said...

i have never seen this before but it is neat. i enjoy running

Tonya said...

We like to ride bikes here. I would love to win this cool prize.

Anonymous said...

Volleyball & Basketball


Unknown said...

My favorite isn't postable :) so i will opt for second best which would be racing my kids on their scooters... they think it is hysterical to watch me :)

redron said...


Erica G said...

My favorite activity right now is swimming. It is already so hot here in Florida.

miriama said...

Swimming. I feel most in touch with myself in the water.

Carol EL said...

I walk 3 times a week.

toughturtles said...

riding my bicycle putting on some miles



GALENA said...

shopping of course

sweetsue said...

I love to play badminton and horse shoes.

littlelatina said...

I like to exercise as my kids try to do what i do.

imjasonc said...

Lifting weights

destee said...

Swim, Swim, Swim! It's just so refreshing and I live in the North so I have to take advantage of swim weather while it lasts!

Melissa Neece said...

I love to walk in the sunshine. Sunshine is so important - it helps relieve depression and gives us the vitamin D that we need. Kids just don't get enough these days. I would love one of these for my nephew - the other day I took him to a friends house that had a trampoline, 4 kids to play with, and a lot of other things - and what does he do - he wants to play video games on the play station. sigh. He definitely needs a game like this - I think it will be the only way he'll be willing to learn. Thanks for the contest.
Melissa Neece
http://melissaneece.blogspot.com (lots of pregnancy and natural living links)
http://melissasreviews.blogspot.com (holistic reviews for the practical person)
http://bookretrospects.blogspot.com (new site with book reviews)

Sharon said...

I absolutely love taking long walks :)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i do alot of walking

maweisberg said...

surfing the net

judybrittle said...

my favorite physical activity is shifting in my seat when i get sore from sitting.


I walk 4 miles a day.

EDRing said...

I love to walk. it gives me a chance to enjoy nature and relax without the kids.


Meredith said...

My favorite activity is swimming and running close second is weight training because it gives visible results so quickly!

Unknown said...

Gardening, swimming and walking. In that order :)

Anonymous said...

Right now, we are swimming everyday.

silverbele said...

My grandchildren would be thrilled

kaaas said...

Swimming :)

bison61 said...

My favorite physical activity is walking and biking

tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com

Unknown said...

Walking! Sometimes we walk around the block or down to the beach. Other times we will go to the zoo and walk there.

Julie said...

My favorite activity is walking. I love listening to books on tape while going on a nice long walk.

Anonymous said...

We love to just run around amuck!


calgirl said...

My son is into soccer, I like to hike

Anonymous said...

My favorite form of exercise/physical activity is without a doubt - horseback riding.

Anonymous said...

My favorate activity is playing a good game of tennis. Great workout!

NesieBird said...

Got to be yoga. Yep.

Anonymous said...

Swimming is a favorite activity for me. It's fun to interact with our children who are learning to swim too! Liz Sawyer, lizzauski@hotmail.com

Anonymous said...

Mine is bicycling. I see so many different people and things that it keeps my mind off the fact that it's exercise!

Samantha P said...

riding my bike

Uniquely Yours said...

This is great~ I wounder if it would enourage some of my students to exercise?

pitaharmon said...

I have the most fun (and I ALWAYS break a sweat) trying to make my flowers look good. HOWEVER, I am usually chasing the kids, that one is second favorite because that's fun too. They love it when I "get them", all you moms know that.

Anonymous said...

My favorite physical activity is a vigorous walk :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!


Kristin said...

We love bicycling!
-Kristin N.

kaylee8 said...

Playing water tag with my kids!

Anonymous said...

We love bicycling and playing in the pool. I don't swim so I walk it an hour daily. This game would be great. I have 1 teenager alittle over weight. The whole family is working on a heathly lifestyle. I've lost 4 sizes over the past year. 50 lbs more to lose. My husband just found out hes high cholestrol. Please enter me, thank you

tesashel said...


Anonymous said...

hiking please enter me

Anonymous said...

I really, really love playing badminton! It's so much fun. I also do aerobics and strength training every day.

Miz Vickik said...

Bicycling is for me! Thanks!

Anonymous said...



Beth @ TheAngelForever said...

I love to swim and power walk. Thank you for telling us about this great new item.

purplepassion126 said...

I love running!

Karrie said...

I love to swim

Susan W said...

I love to go swimming

supermax said...

me me me

Anonymous said...

mountain biking! regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

Jinxy and Me said...

I like walking my dog.

judycc said...

Swimming is my favorite.

Stacey Moore said...

my son just got a wii and we are sweating when we finish playing :)

jlafount said...

Walking. You can unwind and hold a conversation with someone easily

Mary said...


Anonymous said...

I love to hoop-dance.


Anonymous said...

i love to dance, even though i'm really bad at it, haha!

cme8397 said...

Right now, I enjoy swimming.


Tami Alves said...

I walk 5 days a week and road bike when I can.

Angela said...

Swimming.. or horse back riding!

I blogged your contest on Prize-A-Tron!

Anonymous said...

I enjoy bowling!

Bonnie said...

Wii bowling,fun fun fun. I lost 7 pounds the first month.

chromiumman said...


masonsgranny59 said...

fishing:) ty 4 the great contest!

Henry said...

10,000 steps a day. Thanks for the chance!

Kristy said...

Going to the park with my 4 kids.

ssmina said...

chasing my toddler!

yomomma said...

swimming. Thanks for the giveaway

Anonymous said...

Tennis garrettsambo@aol.com

jacquelinc said...

Walking my dog Sugar and picking up aluminum cans for recycling which I have done for 15 years and I have MS and it is great exercise.I also pick up trash while I am out.I enjoy it and Sugar looks forward to it.

Brooke said...

My favorite physical activity is the eliiptical trainer at the gym. I just started going again since my husband agreed that we needed to make my weight loss a priority in the house. It's changed my life!!!! I eat better, the kids eat better, and I get some time just for me.

AudreyO said...

I love taking my dogs for long walks.

Anonymous said...

The stairmaster is my favorite!

jaydonco1 (at) aol (dot) com

carissaad said...

Zumba is my favorite. Thanks!

carissaad at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

My fave physical activity is swimming!
rachelfox at yahoo dot com

GreatOnlineFinds said...

My favorite physical activity is walking. I try to get out twice a day.

cman said...

Rollerblading :)

jms1021 said...

My favorite physical activity is water skiing! ~*~ THANKS for the chance! ~*~

Anonymous said...


Gina said...

My favorite physical activity is SOCCER!!

Anonymous said...

My favorite physical activity is horseback riding. There's nothing like it!

My email is chara [at] mailpanda dot com. Thanks for the chance to win!

phxbne said...

My favorite physical activity is walking

klp1965 said...

gardening i get soooooooooooo much exercise that way :)

ldrnc2000 said...

Well, I will keep this clean...I will just say that my favorite physical activity is being with my husband of 25 years!! Thanks so much for the giveaway!

kinchst said...

My favorite physical activity is walking. I love to see the nature around me while I am pushing around my son in his stroller.

Cricky said...

My daughter's favorite physical activity is now surfing, it was running.

Mine is walking. I love to get out and look at the world, especially through the eyes of my kids.

memetu said...

Walking will always be my favorite physical activity.

ky2here said...

Well my favorite physical activity is probably best not described here.

My second favorite is running.

Anonymous said...

My favorite physical activity is Jewish dancing. Unusual, but so much fun with a group!

doranwen AT yahoo DOT com

Anonymous said...

I like to dance

Anonymous said...

we swim alot&volleyball,please pick me! ahdrad2932@msn.com

/\Heather/\ said...

I love to do yoga and walk, and if there's a pool around, swim. My daughter likes to swim and play soccer. Thanks for the giveaway and the heads-up on the London trip. Yea!

Monique said...

I'm not very physically active but I do make sure that we get out of the house every day for at least a good walk. My son loves playing soccer and my daughter enjoys riding her bike.

Sunshine Mama said...

My favorite physical activity is step aerobics. Something about being in a class motivates me and makes it more fun.

kristie2 (at) comcast.net

KristenH said...

My favorite physical activity is power walking. I power walk at least a mile a day. This is a great giveaway and I really hope I win. Thanks.

Donna said...

I like swimming.

lilyk said...


noreen said...

hula hooping

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