Clorox Green Works understands this and thus created a new site called 30 Days to Natural to help us in our efforts.
The first step? Planting a virtual daisy on the site. Easy and fun and it gets you in the spirit of helping the environment. You can even click on all the daisies in the field to see other participants and what day they're on. Consider it your personal field of inspiration!
You can sign up to have tips emailed to you or sent to your mobile phone. Simply click on "tools" to register and access these helpful resources. There's also a kitchen checklist with tips on making your kitchen more natural that you can print out.
Click on "diaries" to watch videos of other moms who are on the 30-day journey, and even upload a video of your own. Here's one video from mom Shelley, who has also embarked on the Greenworks 30 Days to Natural project:
Whether its recycling, using environmentally-safe cleaners, or walking/biking instead of driving when you can, the site offers many helpful suggestions in easy-to-follow, daily steps.
30 Days to Natural finally makes it easy to be green!

1 comment
I love your blog design :) I saw it over on Mommy Chronicles and thought I would pop over and say hi. I noticed your green post here and I am a passionate green momma up here in central Canada. Another way to go green is with Norwex enviro products. You can learn more about them at
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