I've always been a big fan of Special K products, especially as it pertains to watching my weight. Their products have always been delicious AND healthy, the perfect combination.
I was so excited to find out that they have now developed a line of snack crackers! Thanks to Mom Central, I was able to check out two of the new cracker flavors, Multi-Grain and Italian Tomato and Herb.

Both were SO delicious! And both are very low-calorie. You can have 17 of the Italian Tomato and Herb crackers for only 90 calories! The Multi-Grain crackers that I tried came in pre-measured packs with only 90 calories each.
Because both are made with whole-grains, they keep you satisfied, unlike regular, plain crackers. Plus they were perfect for satisfying my salt cravings in the middle of the day. You can really taste the tomato in the Italian Tomato and Herb, as well, and the Mult-Grain crackers have a touch of sweetness to them.
The more products I can have on hand to help me stick to my diet, the better. I'm definitely going to make sure I have Special K crackers around all the time so that I'm not tempted by less-healthy, more calorie laden snacks!

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