Some of my favorite apps on my iPod are celebrity-related: People.com, TMZ, Pop Sugar...I could go on and on. I certainly don't envy those celebs whose lives are in shambles, but I do wonder what it would be like to live the life of a celeb like Angelina Jolie for a day.
Ever wish that you could switch lives with a celebrity for a day? Wouldn’t it be great if you could figure out how to pull off a red carpet worthy look and keep your home looking like it belongs on the cover of a magazine?
The truth is, though we may not want to admit it, we like hearing celebrity gossip but we also like to keep things clean. That’s why Clorox® Regular-Bleach is giving busy moms like you the chance to do both with Get the Dirt...but Keep it Clean, a new mobile program that delivers quick clean-up tips to your phone while letting you indulge in the celebrity lifestyle.
Visit www.Clorox.com/GetTheDirt to receive Clorox’s Get the Dirt...but Keep it Clean cleaning tips and to be entered for a chance to win a trip for two to Hollywood, California.

Readers of So a Blonde Walks Into a Review also have the chance to win a free Stunning Starlet Palette make-up kit by Stila! To enter, simply leave a comment on this post with your favorite clean-up tip to keep your home looking glamorous!
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Deadline to enter is 11:59 EST, Wednesday, February 9, 2011. Winner will be selected at random using Random.org. Good luck!
Disclosure: I received a sample of The Stunning Starlet Palette make-up kit from The Clorox Company at no cost to me to facilitate this review.

Each member of our family has some type of allergy! I use a damp mop on our wooden floors to help rid
our home of allergens. Also I have zippered cases on our bed pillows.
Many thanks, Cindi
Again, many thanks!
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Thanks, Cindi
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a Review to my Technorati
Merci bien...Cindi
By creating a schedule of daily duties, that way I dont get overwelmed with everything I have to do.
shana at loyd. org
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I have a list of all the stuff I need to do daily! ANd keep to it! :)
I have little kids so I make sure to clean up after they go to bed - and not worry too much about all the toys during the day. Thanks for the chance! alicedemskehansen at gmail.com
I'm a follower! alicedemskehansen at gmail.com
I do a little by little as the day progresses. That way it's all done and it was done in spurts so I don't feel like I spent all day.
hebert024 at aoldot com
My tip to keep my home looking glamorous is getting the kids involved in doing chores like vacuuming, dusting, dishes and cleaning the bathroom. Everyone pitches in and that makes it easier on me!
Thank you for the giveaway :)
i schedule stuff so everything gets cleaned at least once a week
I make a new list every morning of things I want cleaned, and I don't go to bed until it's done.
misteedawnw at aol dot com
When getting wax out of a carpet, place your iron on low, place a paper towel over the wax and iron it up.
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I'm very thorough with what I clean, I don't stop until it's squeaky clean. :)
I have a weekly housekeeper. :)
I keep disinfectant wipes in strategic places for quick clean ups!
I like to give myself little rewards throughout the day. examples:
If I vacuum the blue carpet, then I get to watch a movie.
If I clean the kitchen, I get one hour of computer time.
Clean windows make a big difference and a good impression.
I have a list of chores on my fridge that I do everyday and I check off when I get them done.
I turn on get-me-going music and clean, clean, clean. It's amazing how quickly it all gets done!
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Christie Roberts
Hello! I have my kids pick up a mess before they move onto another. I also try to dust once a week so that the dust won't accumulate.
radaino76(at)cox(dot)com - Twitter
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my clean up tip is having big bowls to throw my stuff into so i can quickly clean up!
i like to keep hampers in the bathroom and in the room so there aren't as many dirty clothes left all over the floor, room and bathroom. amypugmire@live.com
i follow your blog. amypugmire@live.com
tweeted. amypugmire@live.com
i have your blog button. amypugmire@live.com
I pick a number (saaay 23) then, make myself find 23 things to put away. You never realize how many things are laying around your house not in their correct places until you do this!
blaskey1186 at yahoo(dot)com
My favourite cleaning tip is to always use a cleaner with a strong fragrance. I love Mr. Clean. It leaves your house smelling fresh longer and the all purpose cleaner makes my cleaning job easier.
Thanks for the great giveaway.
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My Twitter ID: @bullittmilner
hire someone to clean it for you. ;) JK. i just keep a calendar on what needs to be done each day and make sure it gets done. clean home is a happy home. :)
gfc: xferriza2 (danielle b)
Each day has one assigned task that stays the same everyone week so I know the basics will get covered (Tuesday the bedrooms get dusted, Wednesday the bathrooms get cleaned, etc...). Then depending on how much time I have that day, I make a list of other jobs I'd like done and pick a few things. I'm a serious list-lover!
Oops, email address is pamela.rohde at gmail dot com
tweeted http://twitter.com/mermont84/status/33891425175212032
I make a new list every morning of things I want cleaned
Throw everything into a closet in the wee hours of the morning before company comes over and pray no one opens it
and... the email... >_<
I break up the household cleaning into daily chores and also spend 15 minutes each night tidying up and decluttering so nothing gets out of control
rfbarczak at yahoo dot com
I keep my home looking glamorous by dusting often and putting fresh flowers in vases
Everyone in my family has a chore to do everyday to keep the house clean.
s8r8l33 at yahoo dot com
GFC @SaraLee
no matter how tired i am i spend 15 minutes every night picking up a room
addictedtorodeo at gmail dot com
We do a 10 minute race each night to see who gets the most done.Thanks for the chance.
My favorite tip is to deal with it as you see it. I find I get a lot more cleaning done that way.
After I do laundry, I dust with the used dryer sheet. It picks up dog hair like nobody's business, and I like the idea of getting another use out of it, too.
I'm following on Google Friend Connect.
We bought a steam cleaner and steam clean our carpets about once a month. It's the best investment in our home that we've made!
rsbryswrrl at gmail dot com
We usually clean together once a week as a family and then I keep everything picked up through the week.
It makes things a lot easier for everyone. And the house gets a good deep clean once a week.
I am following via Google Friends Connect.
I have favored your blog via Technorati as jsc123.
What I do is clean all day. It sounds exhausting but if you do it and always pick up your house never gets dirty. I have a family of 6 and always up and cleaning something but i just get up and do stuff and i find myself relaxed and i get to clean.
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I keep a small basket that I can carry from room to room and put everything into thats need to be put away.
tishstryker at gmail dot com
My best tip is to have a housecleaning service come in once a week. Since I've never had that luxury either, I try to "do it as I see it". That's the best way for me to keep up. mcgillrmcgill(at)charter(dot)net
The only cleaning tip I have is to get the kids involved. I turn mine loose with a spray bottle of Windex and towels while I do other things like sweep and mop.
Thanks for the giveaway!
eswright18 at gmail dot com
I follow via GFC (ellie)
eswright18 at gmail dot com
To keep my home looking glam...I have storage bins for things to keep the clutter down. Also staying organized and on top of things as they come and go from the house. I also think that keeping a house smelling clean is important. I love my Bath and Body Works Wallflowers! I try to tidy the house up every evening before bed...clean kitchen, tidy rooms, do laundry.
kylie8cake (at) gmail (dot) com
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i keep clorox wipes handy to clean up little messes
i follow u on gfc
andrea d
drea8685 at yahoo dot com
Don't allow clutter to accumulate. Mail gets sorted everyday and only once. Recycling bins with lids are in the kitchen and are emptied regularly.
I try to clean as I go. I make sure that the dishes are done etc before I go to bed so that I don't wake up to a mess.
I keep several packages of disinfectant wipes in the house to use as needed (often)
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sweeping regularly, especially underneath furniture.
imsamanthab at yahoo dot com
Plus I try a room a day to keep it light and easy.
Wednesday-Living Room
Thursday-Pick up any rooms that need it
Saturday-Laundry, floors, vacuuming etc
Sunday-Fold Laundry and clean anything that needs it!
It's easy that way!!
hmahan_0529 @yahoo dot com
Aside from hiring a maid,my best clean-up tip is keeping wipes around the house.
nolagirl727 at yahoo dot com
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nolagirl727 at yahoo dot com
My fave clean up tip to keep my home looking glamorous is to make sure and vacuum right before your guests arrive...
I tweeted
My favorite clean up tip is to clean up spills or messes immediately so they don't get worse. Also entertain via candle-light and no one can see the dust!
allibrary (at) aol (dot) com
I am an e-mail subscriber.
allibrary (at) aol (dot) com
my tip is to just do a little cleaning each day so it doesn't get to be a huge job
susansmoaks at gmail dot com
I keep Clorox wipes all over the house to pick up spills and wipe things down.
I keep the house clean by cleaning up spills and messes as soon as they happen. We put everything away as soon as we're finished with it (or move to a new toy!) and catch up on things that slipped by on the weekends.
mickeycoutts at yahoo dot com
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