Happy Labor Day, everyone! What better way to celebrate the holiday than to honor those who've "labored"...namely mothers!
I'm pleased to announce So a Blonde Walks Into a Review's first contest sponsor: My Little Piggy's, "where designer style and fine quality meet for a playdate."
This trendy, upscale, high-end boutique has a WIDE range of gorgeous products for those wee ones we spent so much time laboring to give birth to!
Created by mom Maria Katsaros, the site offers products that are high-quality and functional. From Maria herself:
MyLittlePiggys.com is really about saving time. It's about finding hot little outfits and accessories that will last wash after wash, week after week. And because shopping ease is so important to me, I made it important on this site. In fact, my site thinks like you do, so you won't have to walk through the "shoe department" to find "onesies", for example.
You really have to see these products to appreciate how gorgeous they are, so let me take you on a little tour:

These crib and stroller blankets are the perfect accessory for the hip momma and her baby! Don't you just love the patterns?

Your little one can bathe in style with these hooded towel and washcloth sets! The towels have snuggly cotton prints on one side, and deluxe, absorbent terry on the other. Matching washcloths included!

These Sleepy Time Infant Goody Goody Slippers took my breath away! How precious are these? Slip them on your wee one's toesies at night and she'll be the perfect little princess! (Psst...I would SO have my baby wear them during the day, too! Makes me want to have another baby just so she can wear these!)

Expecting a new baby and don't know the gender yet? How about trying out this chic unisex Avery crib bedding? The all-cotton set comes with extra long bumper ties so you can tie double the knots for added safety. Extra-long (16") bedskirt hides away under-the-crib supplies, and the 32-inch square blanket provides plenty of coverage. AND everything is machine washable, including the reversible, zip-out slip-covers on the 12" high bumpers!

And what mommy doesn't need a functional, stylish diaper bag? This Kane Carry All has a sleek, smooth exterior with a funky, purple dot interiror (I heart purple and funky! Can you tell? *grin*)
I could go on and on. In fact, I had such a hard time choosing just a few items to share with you all. So head over to My Little Piggy's and check it out for yourself. There are shoes, outfits, bibs (with sleeves!), sleepwear, and more!
Now for the best part. YOU have the chance to win a $100 gift card to My Little Piggy's!! Are you as excited as I am?!
One lucky winner will get their very own shopping spree at an adorable, high-scale boutique!
Here are all of the contest details:
Deadline: Enter by 11:59 p.m. EST on Monday, September 10. Any entries after that time will NOT be accepted. Winner will be drawn on Tuesday, September 11 and announced that day.
To Enter: Simply announce this contest on your blog with a link back to this site and to My Little Piggy's, then leave a comment here (Haloscan and Blogger comment entries are both accepted) on this post with your link. Be sure to visit My Little Piggy's and tell us what your favorite product is, too!
Non-bloggers are more than welcome to enter by leaving your name and contact information in the comments, along with your favorite item from My Little Piggy's.
That's it! Easy enough, right?
But that's not all! Readers of So a Blonde Walks Into a Review get a special discount, too! Anyone wishing to place an order at My Little Piggy's can use the code "BLONDE" (all caps, no quotes) to get 10% off their order!
Happy entering!
Not required, but I would be very grateful if you would share my link button when you mention this site:

Simply copy and paste the code below into your post:
Thank you!
Pimped your contest.
Me again! I Submitted The Little Piggy's site to Stumble Upon!
Yours too.
Wow...thanks for doing that, Mik! And now after you did all that for me, I have to be the bad guy and remind you to let us know what your favorite product from the site is. Sorry! :)
But I have to be fair and I'd hate for you to lose an entry because you missed that part. (I feel like an old school marm now, lol)
Everyone don't forget to mention YOUR favorite product, too. There are so many adorable things to choose from and you can start thinking about what you can spend that $100 gift card on.
Good luck!
Hi Dawn,
It's up on my blog here :
Thanks and Happy Labor Day to you too!
Mine is up! I love the nightdress pajamas, but it doesn't come in adult sizes and I want one!
I'm digging the Brooklyn Brown shoes!
All linked up here on my contest page, too!
I'm in! I posted here http://koehmstedt.blogspot.com/2007/09/new-contest-i-would-l-o-v-e-to-win.html and my favorite is the Uptown Oink Blanket.
I think the Gatsby shoes are adorable! Oh, and here's my link:
I love the stroller blankets! The cold weather will hit us before we know it. Thanks for the wonderful contest! Here's my link.
This site is sooo cute!!!! I'll be posting about this contest tonight!!! I'll come back and let you know when to enter me!!!
I will post about it tonight.
I love that Sara Hobo Bag
and my littlest guy would love that Binki Terry Cloth... he loves to play with cloths and tags.
all linked up to:
Monday Edition of Contests Galore
Don't forget to post blog contest information at MyBlogContest.com
let more people know it.
I like (and need!) the Sara Hobo diaper bag.
Whoops, here's my link:
And one to my first blog contest:
Here is my link.
My wife will give me a kiss if I won this blog contest:)
Here's my link!
My favorite item is the crib blankets with the stripes. So cute!
My favorite item is Jubilee Slippers. That would be so cute if kid wear that.
I LOVE the 'Kate Carry-all'!! My fav colors are pink and chocolate brown so def this bag!! :)Love so much of their goodies over there--just gorgeous! Here's my link for the contest: http://doreens-scrap-wonderland.blogspot.com/2007/09/my-little-piggys.html
My favorite items are the Becca Boots in Burgundy and the Binky Terry Cloth
My post is up
Oh wow, I LOVE all the blankets they have, I'm addicted to pacifier clips though so the binki holder is my fav! They are super cute!
I mentioned your contest in a blog!
Like I mentioned in my post, I like the Baby On the Go kit! Here's my link:
Thanks SO much for the great contest! Oh, how I would love to win this one, but I guess we shall see!! :) Here is my link to where I posted about it: http://jonathanandandrea.blogspot.com/2007/09/few-contests.html
Wow - what a great contest and I love My Little Piggy! They have great stuff - even for BOYS!! I love their shoes and the crib and stroller blankets. I don't have a blog but I'll tell others about this great giveaway! Please enter me! Thanks!
My Little Piggy's has such fun stuff... The Kate Carry-All is great!
Here's my link for the contest -- http://ooohpickmepickme.blogspot.com/2007/09/my-little-piggys-100-gift-certificate.html
Well those shoes are absolutely adorable--definitely my favorite. I'll mention the contest in my post for tomorrow.
My link is up: Here
My Little Piggies has wonderful things - I especially love the Taylor Bedding.
My post is up(http://kevinandellen.blogspot.com/2007/09/one-more-contest.html)
I so LOVE what My Little Piggy's has to offer!! Their infant shoes are priceless and I love the Sara Hobo bag!!
I Love just about everything My Little Piggies has to offer, but I'm a huge fan of the argyle socks, and the Sara Hobo bag! I also Love the bag of rubber duckies as that's what our bathroom is decorated in! If I win, I can be reached at mrs_frenchie at hotmail dot com.
I really loved "My first boots in tan" how cute are they?
I posted the links on my blog for you.
Sara Hobo Bag. Love it!
I love the blanket!
ooooh! The Sara Hobo Bag!!!
Sara Hobo Bag I love this !!!
My fave: nightdress pajamas
These are great! I really could use that certificate! I posted ya! Thanks!
My favorite is the green multi striped blanket!
What an awesome giveaway! I love these giveaways because I learn about all kids of cool internet companies! I really like all of the little boys shoes and I love the Kate Carry-All bag! I don't have a blog but my e-mail is lizzy_142@hotmail.com
Smack! Ouch!
The Kane diaper bag look well cool, so the wife says.
btw the my wife started a blog and your two blogs are on her blogroll like she told me to add.
Links on my blog.
I entered the contest.
I posted you, and here is my entry for the contest! I love the Avery bedding for the crib best, or the Kate Carry-all. Thanks!
Ok, enter me!!!! I'm all posted and linked up!!!! Thanks for reminding me, I had totally forgotten about it!!!
Enter me!! I am all posted and linked up!
I stumbled onto your site just in time... I'm all set to go over at
Thanks for the new shopping site!
Consider this my official entry!! I love the satin slippers. My daughter would go nuts!
Check me out and the link to your site at http://mamalaw.blogspot.com/
My post is up at http://lora.mortier.org/ .
All that stuff is awesome! It was so hard to decide what I would buy!
One of the cutest things I found in the My Little Piggy’s shop was an adorable diaper bag called the “Sara Hobo Bag”. It was sooo cute and didn’t look like a diaper bag at all! Stylish and useful is always a great combination :)
Posted about the contest here:
I'm sorry but I don't have a blog. I hope that's okay. My favorite thing from the site is the beach and bath robes. My 3yr. old would LOVE these!
Thanks so much!!
I like all the avery crib bedding!
i never win anything. maybe this is the lucky site!?
I'm not a blogger but I really like the Sara Hobo bag.
I just posted on my site!
I really like the Infant Goody Goody Slippers. They're very unique.
I have just entered the contest.
My favorite item is the spill mat.
Wonderful contest! My fav: the sara hobo bag for sure. Thanks for hosting!
I don't have a blog, so I can't link, but I have told a few people about this.
As for my favourite product, it's so hard to choose! Maybe the Liam messenger bag, or maybe those hooded towel and washcloth sets.
I visited Little Piggy's. They have adorable stuff. I really liked the bright bibs and hooded towel and washcloth sets.
I'd love to win. My baby needs some shoes...so I'd say my favorite is the Samantha baby shoes.
I love the Johnny shoes!
digital marketing company
Wonderful contest! My fav: the sara hobo bag for sure. Thanks for hosting!
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