I'm kicking off the year with a giveaway you are going to really love. Did you see my previous post about Bruce Littlefield's appearance on CBS? He did a fabulous job giving tips on clever ways to display your photographs.
Bruce and I decided to do a fun giveaway that ties in with his appearance.

One lucky winner will receive an autographed copy of Bruce's book Garage Sale America AND Bruce will PERSONALLY work magic with one of your favorite photographs! (Maybe one of the tips he offered in his appearance? You'll have to wait and see!)

To enter, simply check out the video of Bruce's appearance on CBS's The Early Show by clicking here. Then, come back here and leave a comment letting me know what your favorite tip is (you can always comment over at CBS, but only comments left on this post will count towards the contest....this contest is in no way sponsored by, connected with, or endorsed by CBS).
You're on the honor system, so please no "cheating" by copying answers. Besides, you'll be missing out on all the fun if you don't watch Bruce's fabulous ideas (and he's SO much fun to watch!)
You can receive additional entries by doing one or all of the following:
~Twitter with a link to this post. Then leave a separate comment here with your Twitter link.
~Blog about this contest with a link to this post AND to Bruce's appearance. Then leave a separate comment here with the link to your post.
Be sure that there is an email address for you that I can find, or your entry will have to be disqualified.
By entering, you automatically agree to all the rules and disclaimers listed here.
Deadline to enter is 11:59 EST, Wednesday, January 14, 2009. Winner will be selected at random using Random.org, posted here and contacted by email. Good luck!

well the peter max lookalike was a bit pricey but loved what they did with the record album cover- great idea
lots of cute stuff - like the ribbon and clothespin display - cute and easy :)
blogged here:
The personalized lamps for 99.95 look great, great way to display your pictures
ashlomb at yahoo dot com
I love the vintage postcard holder idea! Now...wonder where I can find one of those?
I love the idea of using the kid's artwork as a "frame" for photos.
I like the foam tape one he showed at first, too.
i love the clothes pins and ribbons that you can hang up!
love the artwork of kids as frames
We love using the dollar store magnet clips to hold photos - it's so simple and easy. Love the clothes pin on the metallic lace ribbon, too - that would be perfect in our kids' rooms.
And we've posted about the giveaway! Good luck, everyone!
Any time you can incorporate album covers into a project, it is awesome. I love that kind of stuff
the ribbon and clothepin display
My favorite tip is recycling old things and turning them into picture frames or shadow boxes. Thanks.
gahome2mom (at) gmail (dot) com
Great ideas for the album covers---I have a ton of them---kinda dates me huh??
recycle wine corks to make picture frames. THanks!
Recylcing things into picture frames.
I totally enjoyed that little segment!!
One of my favorite things was the Shadow Box Frame. I love how it looks being made in 3D. Very Simple but effective Art too:)
The lampshade idea is great for a kids room or your family room
My favorite was the also the lampshade. Just TOO cool.
Thanks for an awesome giveaway.
tskrush (at)cox (dot) net
Love the lampshade idea :)
ktgonyea at gmail.com
The postcard thingy is pretty cool. I'll be looking for that at my next foray at the garage sales and flee markets.
I love the clothespin idea for a child's room they can hang their artwork from school etc, But my very favorite was the photo lamps how interesting and very unique.
That was really interesting. I liked how he used magnetic holders to put pictures on anything magnetic - even that trash can. I also liked the clothes pin and ribbon idea. Thanks for the chance! alicedemske at hotmail.com
Christina - xristya@rock.com - Lamps with your own photos on them from LampsPlus.com? Wow, who could resist? Also the author has a very nice energy and you can tell just how much he likes to personalize things!
Well I wish that you were giving away Bruce. He can come and live at my house.
I LOVED what he did with the Chicago album! What a cool way to display a memory. I also like how he made the shadow fame 3 d. So cool!
"Everything Must Go" is my book title.
clothespins and ribbon for the kids room
I really liked the shadow ox frame.
I liked the clothespin idea.
My favorite idea is the shadow box and two picture/cut out idea. Thanks for the giveaway!
I tweeted: http://twitter.com/cmg94538/status/1110324805
I blogged: http://wutgivs.blogspot.com/2009/01/so-blonde-walks-into-review-celebrity.html
we do a ton of art projects, so i really liked the photo frame idea:) a great way to reuse our creations! thanks!
Clothespins and ribbons - very clever!
the cheapy magnets to hold pix thanks for the giveaway
I love the shadowbox idea.
Love the Lamp shades!
I blogged about this giveaway: Here
I tweeted.
Username: wastebasket
My kids have Magnetic Closet doors, so I am going to buy a bunch of those magnet clippy things and let my kids go nuts!
I love how he put the photos of concerts into the album covers!
I like the ribbon with the clothespins to disply photos idea - could be a constantly changing exhibit. I also loved the record album idea.
The shadow box was super cool!
love the peter max look alike!!!!
I like the old postcard frame
I so love Bruce's idea of making your own scrapbook with your kid's art and then spicing up each artistic page with a photo of him/ her! : )))
Thanks so much for this fabulous give~away! : )))
And, I TWITTERED about this fabulous give~away.......user name: leahita.
i love the idea to find things at garage sales..one mans junk is another mans treasure
I liked to tip to use corks from wine bottles to make picture frames. garrettsambo@aol.com
I like frame tips, turning them into serving trays for a Victorian look is groovy too.
I heart the ribbon and clothespin display and the refrigerator magnets- quick and easy :)ty 4 the awesome giveaway and entry:)
I like the idea of recycling old things & turning them into art!
Using album covers sounds fun!
Wine corks to make a picture frame.
I tweeted.
I like the idea on making your own scrapbook pages with your child's art
jasonncaryn at yahoo dot com
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