Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Emergen-C Review and Giveaway

In this cold and flu season, it's so important to make sure our kids are getting their vitamins. Now, there's a fun, new way to make that happen.

Emergen-C Kidz offers a complete multi-vitamin and multi-mineral fizzy drink mix for kids that comes in three flavors: Orange Pineapple Explosion, Strawnanaberry Blast and Cherry Yumberry. And one of the most interesting aspects of these drinks is that kids were involved in every part of the development process, from the taste to the name to the package design!

Emergen-C contains powerful antioxidants and 24 essential nutrients like vitamin C (500 mg), beta carotene, vitamin E, zinc and iron. There's also calcium, vitamin D and phosphorus to help build strong bones and teeth, and choline to support healthy brain function. Each package has 250 mg of real fruit juice powders and there are no artificial flavors.

My kids tested out the Strawnanaberry Blast and Orange Pineapple Explosion flavors. We followed the directions and added 6 oz. of water to the mix. However, over time, we've found that diluting it with more water makes it taste much better.

I tried the drink myself and neither my kids nor I could detect much of a fizz. Despite that, we all enjoyed it and they now mix up the drink all on their own (I made sure to tell them to limit it to one glass a day).

Want to try it out for yourself? Thanks to Emergen-C and Murphy O'Brien, one lucky person will win a basket filled with Emergen-C Kidz as well as regular Emergen-C products for moms and dads.

To enter, simply leave a comment on this post and be sure there is an email that can be found or your entry will have to be disqualified. For a bonus entry, blog about this contest with a link to this post and to Emergen-C, then leave a separate comment here with your link.

Deadline to enter is 11:59 EST, Wednesday, November 19, 2008. Winner will be selected at random using and posted here and contacted by email. Winner has two weeks to respond to notification or the prize is forfeited.

Good luck!

Disclaimer: The statements in this post have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. So a Blonde Walks Into a Review and its author assume no liability for damages associated with the prizes or contents contained therein.

So A Blonde Walks Into A Review



looks great

Anonymous said...

Please enter me. I could use some of this. I am always getting colds.

rebbi511 at

Jenn S. said...

This gift basket will come in handy, especially this time of year. Thanks for the chance to win it.

Unknown said...

thnx for the giveaway opp! awesome

Anonymous said...

wonderful giveaway.

Anonymous said...

With three kids and a husband in school you can imagine the nasties that can come home. Great contest. I am queenesperfect at

Golfergirl said...

I love, love, love this product, and am thrilled to know it now comes in a kid's version. Thanks for the contest.

AmentsChick said...

I am a HUGE fan of Emergen-c. Whenever I start feeling icky, I take it and kicks my cold's booty!! I swear by this stuff!

bubbagee said...

My son just got a cold. This is really needed.

Ginger said...

I have tried Emergenc-C once and was very happy with it. Loads of Vitamin C and a good taste,definetly will purchase again:)

mar said...

I would love this - have a fine thursday

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Would be great for my kids


idahomom said...

We could all use a little extra C.

Anonymous said...

I am a firm believer in the benefits of vitamins. Vitamin C is excellent for preventing colds during the winter. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to try this for my girls. Thanks.

Melissa said...

Would love to try this, especially during flu season.

Deborah said...

We'd love to try Emergen-C - thanks for the chance to win. asthenight at gmail dot com

dawns41 said...

This sounds like a great way to boost your immune system. Please count me in.

kygirl said...

Didn't know it comes in a kid version, This would be great.

Dee said...

oh this would be amazing! Thanks for the chance!

Annie1 said...

This looks very cool and I'm hoping that Canadians can enter!


Monique said...

I love Emergen-C! When my first child was born my very holistically inclined aunt brought me a box of orange flavored Emergen-C. She said it was good for my immune system and my health after having the baby. That stuff was great! We have bought many more boxes since. I like to just suck on the fizzy tablets.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic giveaway! Please sign me up for your contest.

vboackle said...

perfect timing for using vit c.

mogrill said...

Very cool! WOuld love to win.

llinda29 said...

love to try Emergen-C

Stephanie said...

perfect for winter/cold season. thank you.
tvollowitz at aol dot com

DePro said...

Nice prize. Count me in!

cdrury said...
great site and thanks for offering the contests!!!

janetfaye said...

I am a big fan of Emergen-C.

I love the orange flavor.

If you want the fizz add it to a very small amount of water and then right after juice or water can be taken.

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

danosor said...

I am a subscriber.

Becca Ann said...

My family has never tried this.. We would love to!

409cope said...

Great contest! Would love to win this. cardshark42 at hotmail dot com

jbeckett said...

Sign me up please!

Unknown said...

we haven't been sick yet, knock on wood.... It is about time and this would be handy to have on hand,

Unknown said...

blogged via create a link -

msrodeobrat said...

this looks like a great product

kdelgado said...

Love this product. Please enter me. Thanks!

masonsgranny59 said...

Thanks for the contest

Anonymous said...

thanks a bunch!

tatertot374 said...

This would be fantastic to win. with the upcoming cold and flu season I would love to beat that. Thank you!

littlelatina said...

Great prize

Nadi said...

Great giveaway, especially with the cold winter months ahead.

treflea4 at gmail dot com

Heather B said...

my son has such a hard time kicking colds, i wonder this would help him

StinaWins said...

Please enter me, thanks!

fancyfeet48 said...

We could all use a little extra C count me in thanks for the chance

Tamara B. said...

With flu season knocking on the door this would be an excellent product to keep on hand.

Zenas said...

I am a big fan of this product, it got me through grad school when I would be super stressed and eating poorly, I counted on these to keep my immune system up.

verdere at gmail dot com

Kim (Randominities) said...

I've never tried this product. I hate to spend the money on something I'm not sure if it works. It'd be great to get to test it out, thanks.

By all the other loyal fan remarks, though, I might look into it.

Stacey Brown said...

great prize,thanks

bleu said...

Would love this. It's so hard to get kids to get all their vitamins they need!

blueteam at gmail dot com

ModernDayNomads said...

Emergen-C is the only thing that keeps me well in winter...

mizbighead1 at yahoo dot com

Sandy S said...

I swear by Emergen-C. I take it everyday during the winter! I would love to win!
skstigger (at)

Kari said...

I swear by this stuff and always have it on hand. My favorite flavor is the pink lemonade.

Anonymous said...

Would love to try this!

Angela said...

We're tired of passing the same colds around the family over and over. This would be great, thanks!

aksun23 said...

Sounds fantastic!!

dwhogan said...

Good luck to all

Anonymous said...

what a great product. emergen-c!

ardy22 at

AllieOop said...

Glad to know these vitamins come in a kid's verion.

Karen said...

Thanks for the contest. Have a great week everyone.

silverbele said...

My husband uses Emergen-C when he plays golf.

jemmmers74 said...

What a perfect time to get such a wonderful prize.

Ginny said...

Love to give it a try

cigar666 said...


monky said...

I would love to try this!

:) Thank you for the wonderful giveaway! :)

fluggy said...

Wow! I would love to try this out.

Thank you

Britt- Sparkled Vintage Charm said...

so cool!!

liliesrnice said...

I am a big fan of emergen-c so i really hope I win!

SeahorseLady said...

I'm a tried and true firm believer of the great benefits of Emergen-C. I'm presently undergoing chemo and don't have much of an immune system and Emergen-C gives me a boost of energy as well as great vitamins that my body needs.
I also like that they now have a good selection of different flavors.
Thank you for the great giveaway.

chazvgo said...

Count me in!!

Anonymous said...

I would love to win. Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I really like this idea! Thanks for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

This would be very useful to win. Thanks for the chance.

Kt said...

i usually (knock on wood) get sick in this would be a life saver!

kmsst19 at gmail dot com

dvice12 said...

Great giveaway

angie said...

I like the variety of flavors~thanks!

joannaonthelake said...

I am really impressed with this Emergen-C Kidz product. It would give me great peace of mind to know that my 3 young children were getting all the vitamin 3 and other essential vitamins and nutrients that they need in order for them to stay healthy, especially during cold and flu season. And, the flavors sound terrific and I know my children would enjoy them (Mom and Dad too)! Thank you for introducing this terrific product to us and for the opportunity to enter your fantastic giveaway.

chromiumman said...

love to win this

Anonymous said...

great pretty site.

love he prizes, please enter me

Michelle said...

Whew, Could I really use have never tried it before but, a friend says it's great stuff. Thanks so much for the Chance =)

Jennifer said...

I drink one everyday, so I could really use it! Helps so much.

jennylovesjeff (at) hotmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

I would love to try Emergen-C :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!


Storm Safety Blog said...

Emergen*C is great stuff! It actually tastes good and it's almost like you can feel it working to boost your immunity and protect you from all those germs out there. I'd love to win a good supply of it right here at cold and flu season!

rosannepm said...

We could have used this last weeks when everyone was sick.

yellowlabs said...

I would love to give this a try!

purplepassion126 said...

Mmmm...delicious and healthy!

cpullum said...

Our family could use these!


Brooke Lorren said...

I have trouble getting dd to take her vitamins, this might get something into her.

I am a soprano in my church choir, and I'm supposed to sing a solo for our Christmas program. Unfortunately, between the months of November to March I always seem to get this nonstop cold that knocks an octave off the top of my vocal range; this year if I can't find a cure we'll have to cut my solo out. Maybe this would work! Wouldn't hurt to try.

intime said...


Aimee said...

Emergen-c is the best for winter colds! acirucci(at)

psalmstress said...

Have used Emergen-C for years, it is awesome. Thanks

K said...

Sure could use this!

hibmom said...

My kids love this stuff and I really feel it helps to keep them healthy during the cold/flu season!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

my dd has a suppressed immune system I would love to try emergen c to see if it will help \\

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great product. Hope I win.

Jodi said...

We get more than our share of colds around my home, this would really come in handy.


Michelle said...

I've tried Emergen-C in the past, but I never thought about giving it to the kids...didn't know there was a kids' product. I would love to give this a test-run with my 3 children.

Valeen said...

I'd love to try this, we've already had colds going through the family this year!

Trisha D said...

great giveaway!!!

Jennifer said...

Great giveaway, thanks!


Emily said...

I love Emergen-C!

ssmina said...

please enter me thank you

kayte71 said...

This keeps us healthy and gives a great energy boost! Awesome product.
kaytewatts AT aol DOT com

Steph said...

Emergen-C sounds like some great stuff. My whole family could use some.

Donna said...

I have wanted to try this for a long time.

Samantha P said...

this stuff works so great! thanks for the giveaway!

Kristi said...

With kids in school and weather changes, this is a perfect prize! Thanks for the entry!

Kristi said...

I added your button and blogged about your blog site and this giveaway!! Very cool!

Anonymous said...

Great gift package thank you for the chance to win. Teresa

Helen said...

This would be perfect for my family!

cathy2406 said...

My husbands boss swears by this product and I have been wanting to try it for my family too.

Deb Anderson said...

This is one product that actually WORKS!! I'd love to win this! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

My oldest son started Kindergarten this year so we are already dealing with him bringing home all sorts of stuff from school. This would be awesome to have. Thank you so much for the giveaway.

lilyk said...

Please enter me into the contest. Thanks!

cman said...

Please enter me :)

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