Monday, November 2, 2009

Win an iTunes Gift Card Courtesy of Holiday Inn

With the holidays fast approaching, I know many of you are getting your travel plans set in place. Whenever we travel to visit my family in Virginia Beach, we always stay at Holiday Inn on the oceanfront.

Not only are they family-friendly and affordable, but Holiday Inn offers a wonderful rewards program where we've earned points toward free stays from our previous visits. And now, Holiday Inn is encouraging people to take a new approach to travel by being a BudJetSetter (say it really took me a minute to get the double-meaning, lol).

Holiday Inn doesn't want a few miles to stand in the way of enjoying the holidays with your family. Here are some fabulous ideas on how you can be a BudJetSetter and get the most out of your holiday travel experience:

Girls Great Escape: You love your father and brother-in-law and all, but sitting on the couch for 10 straight hours watching football isn’t exactly the type of holiday cheer you’re looking for. Take a much needed break from the holiday hoopla and book a room at a relaunched Holiday Inn instead. Not only will you be able to come and go as you please, you’ll relish in the privacy of snuggling up in Holiday Inn’s new, crisp bedding with “soft” or “firm” pillows to choose from while you watch a girly holiday flick. Other BudJetsetter tips:
  • Treat yourself to some fabulous art – for free! Scout out local museums in the area for a dose of culture. The originals may be out of your price range, but grab a poster in the gift shop as a treat.
  • De-stress from the holiday madness by creating your own in-hotel spa. Give yourself a mini facial by washing and exfoliating in a steamed bathroom. Replenish and revitalize hair using Holiday Inn’s new coconut verbena shampoo & conditioner from Bath & Body Works. Then for an extra touch use lavender oil on your temples or, use a lavender face mask while you catch some zzz’s.

Guys, Listen Up!: While you may want to give the woman in your life a little bling, we understand that budgets are tight. But you can still tug at her heart strings by whisking her away for a romantic holiday weekend that won’t break the bank. In fact, you don’t even have to go far.

Relaunched Holiday Inn properties are conveniently located all over the country from metropolitan cities to small towns off the beaten path – Book a room for a night or a weekend, grab some Prosecco and let the relaxation begin! Hint for Dads: getting mom away for a night like this may be exactly what’s on the top of her wish list! Other BudJetsetter tip:
  • Research local concerts, fairs or skating parks that might require a minimal entrance fee and make it a date night.

Travel Gurus, rejoice: You know that you can find Holiday Inn around the world, right? Give yourself or a friend the gift of adventure and hit up a hip or exotic destination this season instead. For some inspiration, here a few destinations to choose from below. All you have to do is decide where to go, cash in some airline miles for the flight, and your budget will be sure to thank you!
  • Nairobi, Kenya for about $215/night
  • Lisbon, Portugal for about $107/night
  • Papau New Guinea for about $224/night
  • Christchurch, New Zealand for about $132/night

To help you enjoy your BudJetSetter journey, Holiday Inn, in partnership with Weber Shandwick, is offering two lucky readers of So a Blonde Walks Into a Review a $10 gift card to iTunes (one $10 card per winner). Perfect for creating your favorite mix of music for a holiday road trip!

To enter, simply leave your best travel tip in a comment on this post. Be sure that there is an email address for you that I can find, or your entry will have to be disqualified. By entering, you automatically agree to all the rules and disclaimers listed here. Please also see my disclosure policy here.

You can receive additional entries by doing one or all of the following (one entry for each step):

~Twitter with a link to this post. Then leave a separate comment here with your Twitter link.

~Blog about this contest with a link to this post. Then leave a separate comment here with the link to your post.

~Follow this blog. Simply click on "Follow this blog" found near the top of the sidebar to the right (under "The Blonde"). Then, leave a separate comment letting me know you are following.

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Deadline to enter is 11:59 EST, Monday, November 16, 2009. Winner will be selected at random using Good luck!

So A Blonde Walks Into A Review


sweepmom said...

Do your research. I use sites like tripadvisor to get info from the locals before I travel.

peg42 said...

My best travel tip is to travel light. After having your clothes all lined out, take a few away. Never fails that most people overpack.
Thanks so much.

peg42 said...

I'm a follower.
Thanks again.

Mysharona said...

always ask for an upgrade, you'd be surprised what you can get for free.

Sandra K321 said...

If you're flying, make your reservations as soon as you know you're going because prices can go up dramatically if you wait a while.

Amber said...

My travel tip is to always pack enough snacks! That, and to take the unbeaten path!
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said...

I follow your blog@
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Dee-Zigns Handcrafted Jewelry said...

Great giveaway! I'm a follower. Packing light is crucial, especially when traveling abroad. My pet peeve is coming back home with items not used on the trip - my husband is so guilty of this!

Definitely, ask for an upgrade, you never know and it never hurts to ask. Don't be embarrassed, its expected :).

sue14625 said...

when i first saw this Holiday Inn i thought the Movie Music -need more coffee oops my tip for a trip make a list and check each item off as you pack that way hopefully nothing essential is left behind

Bunny B said...

Always pack a spare set of clothes in your carry on in case of baggage delays (or worse, if it gets lost!)

bunnybx at gmail . com

Bunny B said...


bunnybx at gmail . com

Theresa said...

Toss a few meal replacement bars in your bag, you'll be happy you did!

Anonymous said...

if you are traveling overseas take alot of old things like towels underwear, socks, shirts and pants. (as much as possible) then when you get ready to come home just trash it all and you will have room for all your souvenirs

carmen said...

For my travel tip, I'd suggest doing as much research beforehand as possible. Once, a girlfriend of mine thought we'd be "spontaneous" and just find things on the fly to do in Philly. We ended up walking for blocks until we found a Borders--which was fun but nothing we couldn't have done back home. Print out maps ahead of time, write down addresses to plug into your GPS, etc. You'll be thankful!

carmensechristjunk at gmail dot com

carmen said...

I faved you on Technorati (atlantagal)

carmensechristjunk at gmail dot com

carmen said...

I'm following you on Google Connect.

carmensechristjunk at gmail dot com

Ms. Deeds said...

Pack a dryer sheet in your suitcase to keep it smelling nice.

Miss Manda said...

my travel tip is to trust nobody... i've heard so many people say they handed their camera to someone that offered to take a picture for them and they ran off with it! Also know currency conversions, people will rip you off if they think you don't know how much your dollar is worth there!

Miss Manda said...

following your blog

miss manda

Brent said...

If you take a cruise and are traveling with a child, ask for early dinner. All of the child programs take a dinner break at the same times. By the way, kids don't have to dress up even on formal night.

Heather said...

When traveling with kids, allow plenty of time and expect that things will not go as you think they will!

Heather said...

Following the blog! :)

jlafount said...

Be kind to those around you. Everyone is in a rush and thinks their lives are important as well.

chromiumman said...

dont pack so much, you're really only going to use about half what you take anyway - so don't bring it

mogrill said...

Pack a Activity bag for little ones on the plane. Thanks for the chance.

Lim said...

Leave some money in with your car manual or registration for the way home. There's nothing like not having gas money when the credit card machine is broken at the only station in town...

Unknown said...

pack plastic bags for dirty clothes!

Thanks for entering me! Great Contest!

Janna Johnson

Bunny B said...

Faved on technorati. ID: bunnybox9

bunnybx at gmail . com

Anonymous said...

"rolling" clothes is a common trend. actually TRY it!
you'll avoid most wrinkles and you'll have a ton more space in that luggage case! (rolling consists of rolling clothes tightly kind of like a sleeping bag)but it's perfect for those pesky airport fees--

clc408 said...

My tip is to pack light. You don't really need as much as you think.

llinda29 said...

Pack less than you need. If you forget something there are stores

Anonymous said...

My best travel tip is to bering wrinkle releaser with you when cruising. It's so convenient.

hebert024 at aol dot com

Nancy said...

My best travel tip if your flying is to pack all necessities in your carry-on in case you get separated from your luggage.

Marillyn said...

research the trip but remember that it is an adventure. so go with flow and be prepared to have fun! Life is an adventure.

blessedprincess at gmail dot com

jzagarjr said...

Plan ahead. If you don't you may forget to bring things.

Brandy said...

dont forget a toothbrushes and small first aid kit

mail4rosey said...

My travel trip is if you are traveling by car, take a little cooler with you, with snacks and drinks. It saves having to pull over and waste time.

My travel trip if you are traveling by airplane with a child in diapers is to take throw away plastic bags with you.

Betty N said...

Make a list over several days before you go to be sure you are taking every thing with you that you will need and keep the list in your suitcase so you can see that you haven't forgotten anything. Of course keep medicines, etc with you rather than packing it in your suitcase.

AmandaK said...

Before leaving for any kind of trip, get your vehicle checked out. You never know what could happen if you don't.


cstironkat said...

When we are out of town we do not eat at chain restaurants. To find a great place to eat we go and ask the local Harley dealer where they like to eat. You don't have to ride to go to a dealer. None of these places have steered us wrong.

Betty N said...

tweet here

AngelaK said...

Carry an emergency cell phone and extra cash because you never know what will happen!


chlorinebrain said...

My best travel tip is when packing your suitcase pack it in reverse order -- the outfit you will wear last goes on the bottom, then your jammies, then the next outfit, then jammies, and so on, so on top you will have the outfit/jammies you will wear first. No need for digging around in the suitcase!

arielle said...

Travel with plenty of small bills! And my mom always used to tell me that after packing, I should always take about half of it out. Pretty smart as it seems I ALWAYS over pack!! :)

arielle said...

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hale2005 said...

Make sure you lock your valuables in your safe.

Carol said...

To save some money while traveling, we always look for a hotel that has breakfast included in the price of the room.

Katie said...

Leave your children at home!
katiekarr at gmail dot com

bettycd said...

I always pack too much - pack light, leave room so you can add the souveniers!

bettycd said...

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shelley said...

Bring garbage bags to put your dirty clothes in so you don't get your clean clothes all smelly.

Erica C. said...

Always have a snack in your bag for the times you are starving but for some reason can't get any food! i.e. stuck on a plane, in lines.

Victoria said...

Best travel tips are looking for deals online and talking to locals about favorite restaurants. You'll often find awesome places not in the guidebook! utgal2004[at]yahoo[dot]com

herrinfamily said...

Pack anything that would be messy if broken/opened inside ziploc bags.

1993wel said...

My best travel tip is to hit local markets and and food stalls and buy bread, cheese, fruits, etc. plus local delicacies and get cheap, filling and authentic food for breakfast and lunch, then splurge on dinner in restaurants!

Linda said...

Travel tip when traveling with children make sure you pack snacks and travel games to keep them busy.

Nickolay said...

I always leave my tv on in the hotel room so someone always thinks someone is in there to cut down on break ins


Mia J. said...

Pack your tshirts in gallon size zip lock bags to avoid wrinkles and always pack some snack for the plane ride.

Tammigirl said...

I love to use packing cubes when we travel. They may seem like an extravagant purchase, but once you have them you wonder how you ever lived without them. It makes packing and unpacking and packing again a breeze, whether you're traveling solo or with a big family.

Tammigirl said...

I follow your blog.

LindaD said...

Doing as much advance work online to find places of interest, drug stores, coffee shops with wifi, and other "necessities" can help you feel as much at home and familiar with a new environment as possible.

JACLYN said...

Be prepared to spend more than you've planned and keep a journal so you don't forget anything!

Julieh said...

Pack light! It's no fun carrying around heavy bags. honeypie411 at yahoo dot com

Kerry said...

I think if you have small kids and have a long trip that it is better to drive at night while they sleep. It has worked for my hubby and I when we have traveled from Michigan to Florida.

idahomom said...

By a hybrid so that the kids can plug in anything they want.

JulieMoe said...

Plan everything in advance, including restaurants. You can always change your mind, but at least you'll know where to find a place to eat.

JulieMoe said...


JulieMoe said...

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Anonymous said...

Always have money and water with you.

Anonymous said...

I follow your blog.

lissaxolove said...

When I am packing I always make lists so I don't forget anything.
Also, when flying.. we put some clothes on a carry-on that way if something happens to our luggage we aren't stuck in the same clothes

lissaxolove said...

I follow your blog

erma said...

Always pack enough snacks and water so you don't spend money on high priced food.

Melodic Mom said...

Always compare prices before buying a vacation package. There are some great online sites that save you a lot more money than booking through a place directly or a travel agent.

Anonymous said...

Get a purse with a short, tough strap so people cannot run away with it, and cannot pick pocket you becuse you keep it close to your body.

JillianV said...

I always roll my clothes so I can fit my belongings into a smaller bag.

Anonymous said...

Best travel tip! Have plenty of books, etc on hand in the car to keep the kids busy! Bring snacks, lots! :)

Anonymous said...

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Jessca said...

At rest stop there is coupon books the have coupons in them

Janette said...

When traveling, I always go opt to go to nicer restaurants for lunch instead of dinner. Then I look up online what people in the area recommend for good, cheap restaurants for dinner. Farmer's markets and delis are great for inexpensive meals to take back to your hotel room or on a picnic!

Janette said...


AnneTracker said...

Bring snacks and lots of reading materials!

Anonymous said...

i always carry a fully stocked cooler that way we dont buy expensive drinks at rest areas ..we usually eat at places which offer a buffet to assure everyone gets something they want

CC said...

Bring an extra set of clothes in your carry-on bag. You never know when you will be delayed or your suitcase lost!

speechforme at gmail

CC said...


speechforme at gmail

CC said...

I follow you

speechforme at gmail

River Tam said...

don't forget a travel alarm clock!

lopez1 said...

always pack extra clothes in your carry on, i found out the hard way after my son threw up all over me in the plane. ewwww.

Barbarawr said...

If you have a favorite pillow that you bring when you travel, use a BRIGHT pillowcase. That way, you won't forget it when you leave the hotel.

Barbarawr said...

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Barbarawr said...

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Crystal F said...

My sure you have a ton of activities for the kids to do while in the car. I can't tell you how much this helped with our 10 hr. drive to the beach last year. Thank you!

Traci C said...

Be prepared but be willing to veer off your mapped path. Some of our best road trips have had the destination plotted and a general time frame but allowed for side trips to those silly places you see billboards for and small towns with interesting names, etc

Andria said...

lonely planet travel guides list amazing places to eat on your trip.

Anonymous said...

Make sure when you leave you have everything you need for the trip AND a time plan for when you get there.

roseh2o19 said...

don't travel at all - have a staycation

susan1215 said...

I put my medicine and contact lens holder and solution in my carry on baggage.

Anonymous said...

My best travel tip is to leave early and catch an early flight, because you can sleep on the plane and you'll have a whole extra day on your vacation!

Lisa said...

My best travel tip is to bring lots of snacks for the kids, way more than you think they'll need. When things get hairy with the kids in the car, we whip out another snack.

wendy wallach said...

Bring plasric ziplocls with you. They are great for items that can spill in your luggage.

madamerkf at aol dot com

Amy delong said...

bring your pillow!


Happi Shopr said...

when traveling with diabetics, pack plenty of snacks and have resturaunts mapped out along the way to make the trip for enjoyable.

trinitygsd at yahoo dot com

dvice12 said...

My tip is to pack lightly and roll clothes to save space

Charlene Kuser said...

If the hotel has an in room safe use it and keep all your valuables in there

Charity S said...

Leave early. You really need to plan for the unexpected. Thanks

charisscharity [at] yahoo [dot] com

Charity S said...


charisscharity [at] yahoo [dot] com

Charity S said...

following your blog. charity/ccboobooy

charisscharity at yahoo dot com

Charlene Kuser said...


Charlene Kuser said...

Following your blog (Charlene)

Jinxy and Me said...

My tip is to bring along plastic bags. They are great for things like storing shoes, keeping toiletries neat, sorting dirty clothes, etc.

Jinxy and Me said...

I'm following you in Google Friend Connect!

Anonymous said...

If driving take regular breaks.

Tammy said...

If possible travel during off season- it can save you a ton of money

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