If you didn't get a chance to attend this year's Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, KODAK has come to your rescue! CES is the largest trade show held for consumer electronics and features products and the companies that create them.
Thanks to KODAK, you can see all the action by watching live streaming panels direct from the Kodak K-Zone on the CES Floor. You can also join the discussion by submitting questions to the panelists via Twitter using the hashtag #kzone.
And as an added bonus, KODAK and Ketchum are offering one lucky reader of So a Blonde Walks Into a Review a KODAK D830 Digital Frame worth more than $135! (details below)

The upcoming panels at CES that you can view from home include:
The M-Suite (Friday, January 8 at 3:00 p.m. PST)
How momtreprenuers and stay at home moms are building successful businesses.
Speakers include: Amanda Robinson (NaturalMommies.com), Sharon Napier (founder, Partners & Napier), Susan Tousi (Kodak), Soleil Moon Frye (actress), and Stacie Haight Connerty (blogger, Thedivinemissmommy.com).
Help, My Mom Friended Me on Facebook (Friday, January 8 at 11:00 a.m. PST)
Kids eight and under will never know what life was like before Google. Learn how technology is changing their lives – and their parent’s lives in the process.
Speakers include: Pam Sherman (author and public speaker known as The Suburban Outlaw), Susan Getgood (Blogwithintegrity.com), Jill Zarin (the Real Housewives of NYC), Linda Sawyer (CEO of Deutch), Christy Matte (editor of the Family Computing Guide, About.com)
Father Knows Best (Friday, January 8 at 5:00 p.m. PST)
It’s time to hear from the dads! Hear from these tech savvy dads on how they use technology with their kids, and the lessons learned.
Speakers include: Michael Ferrara (TechnoDad), Jeff Hayzlett (CMO, Kodak), Fred Fishkin (technology reporter, Bloomberg Radio), Jackson Lynch (WIRED)
To view the live streaming and recorded videos, or for more information, click here.
To enter to win the KODAK D830 Digital Frame, simply leave a comment on this post. Be sure that there is an email address for you that I can find, or your entry will have to be disqualified. By entering, you automatically agree to all the rules and disclaimers listed here. Please also see my disclosure policy here.
You can receive additional entries by doing one or all of the following (one entry for each step):
~Twitter with a link to this post using the hashtag #kzone. Then leave a separate comment here with your Twitter link.
~Blog about this contest with a link to this post. Then leave a separate comment here with the link to your post.
~Follow this blog. Simply click on "Follow this blog" found near the top of the sidebar to the right (under "The Blonde"). Then, leave a separate comment letting me know you are following.
~Post the button below on your blog and then leave a separate comment here letting me know it's posted and where. Here's the code for the button:

~Add So a Blonde Walks Into a Review to your Technorati Favorites (just click the button below and follow the simple steps). Then, leave a separate comment here letting me know you've added this blog to your favorites:

Deadline to enter is 11:59 EST, Thursday, January 14, 2009. Winner will be selected at random using Random.org. Good luck and enjoy the show!

1 – 200 of 318 Newer› Newest»I've never had one of those digital frames. Hope I win.
I can't wait to attend one of these! They all sound so interesting!
Tweet! http://twitter.com/genny315/status/7494791089
I have two little kids and no digital frame to show them off in!
Thank you so much for this giveaway. This frame really sounds wonderful. Would love this to show off photo's of my family. Thanks.
I would love to win this!
Awesome giveaway. I have been wanting to get a digital picture frame and would love a chance to win.
abfantom at yahoo dot com
I've been wanting a digital frame for a while now!
Several of my co-workers have frames like these at their desks. I would love to be able to view my pictures at work and show off my family.
Tweet! http://twitter.com/Slim_705/status/7497364016
I would love this.
I never thought these were a big deal until I saw one at a friend's house. Now I have to have one.
Following on twitter as ky2here1, here's a tweet:
Love the frame. I'd like to get one for my father-in-law who just moved into assisted living.
tweeted http://twitter.com/annedoggett/status/7498326992
I need one of these digital frames for my desk at work as I work in a small cubicle so I do not have room for lots of pictures in my workspace.
Great frame! I've not ever owned a digital frame so this would be quite a treat!
(in Canada)
(in Canada)
Follow your blog via blogger and google friend connect
(in Canada)
Would love a digital frame - thanks for the giveaway!
We've wanted one of these for a while.
father knows best is interesting, i can always use tech advice.
Great giveaway!! I would love to win
I would love to win this! It would be great for all of those holiday photos. Kbroderi@msn.com
My sister is about to have Baby 3 and would love one of these Not sure I would share if I win though
I got a digital SLR camera for Christmas, but don't have a digital frame. Thanks for the chance to win!
I would love to give this to my husband for valentine's day!
Kodak seems to have done a great job of selecting topics for discussion. There are several I'm really interested in.
This would make a lovely gift for my husband.
blog follower
I've wanted one of those frames for a while! Awesome giveaway!
blog follower!
I have always wanted a digital frame but never got around to buying one.
rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
I would love one of these frames for all my family pictures.
Thanks for the fabulous giveaway. Fingers crossed.
I don't have a digital picture frame but I hear great things about them
This is one of the items on my Christmas List that I didn't get this year - I would love to win!
I follow on Friend Connect
I would like to win this and give it to my mom with pictures set up on it.
I'd be interested in the Help, My Mom Friended Me on Facebook panel.
Great giveaway! I would love to win. Thanks!
I think The M-Suite sounds very interesting.
This is a fantastic giveaway
This looks great
Of the ones listed, I think Father Knows Best would be interesting.
clynsg at yahoo.com
I've been wanting one of these since they came out. Thanks.
I'd love to win!
great giveaway! please enter me!
blog follower
My mom would totally love this - all her fave pics in 1 frame!
addeviant006 at gmail dot com
This would be a great gift for my mom's birthday.
I've been wanting one of these for a while! Thanks for the chance. utgal2004[at]yahoo[dot]com
Follow on google friend connect
This would be great for displaying my grandkids pictures!
I'd love to be able to show off more of my kids pics.
The M-Suite sounds interesting.
I would love to have one of these, I have so many pictures and not enough wall space for them!
Thanks for the giveaway!
I tweeted.
I thnk the facebook one sounds really interesting...
i would love to win this to show off my grandsons' pictures
I think the M-Suite sounds interesting. I would love to be able to start a business at home.
sphinxcw at aol dot com
I'm a follower on google.
sphinxcw at aol dot com
Cool prize. it would be great to store my pictures
Nice giveaway, I'd like to win, thanks.
annabell_lee_dk (at) yahoo.com
I'd love to have one of these! Father Knows Best looks really interesting. Dads don't get enough attention.
I tweeted: http://twitter.com/sweepstakelover/status/7531731425
annabell_lee_dk (at) yahoo.com
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/Getalonghome/status/7531777495
I blogged: http://sweepstakelover.blogcu.com/kodak-digital-frame-giveaway/6760392
annabell_lee_dk (at) yahoo.com
Blogged here: http://getalonghome.com/2010/01/kodak-k-zone-giveaway-4/
I follow.
Technorati fave: TheRealSpoodles
Father Knows Best looks interesting
I love the name of the Help my mom friended me on facebook. lol I really want one of these pic frames!
yes, this is a gala for me
I'd love a digital frame
I would love to win the digital frame. It's been on my wish list for over a year!
this is perfect for those pictures of my grandchildren. I can feature them all on one frame! Great!
I too have been wanting a digital frame for photos of my grandsons. Thanks for the great giveaway!
eswright18 at gmail dot com
I follow via Google.
eswright18 at gmail dot com
Tweeted. http://twitter.com/eswright18/status/7540183113
eswright18 at gmail dot com
Help, My Mom Friended Me on Facebook panel sounds fun.
I follow the blog.
This sounds awesome. Enter me in please.
I have so many pictures of my kids. This would be a great way to display so many of them.
Blogged here.
Following on blogger.
I would love this frame
Christie C.
dctm at bellsouth dot net
I love digital photo frames, but I only have a small one for my desk at work. So, I would love this!
This looks so great!
katiekarr at gmail dot com
I would love to win this for my grandparents thanks
I follow with Google
Looks like a great frame, thanks for hosting!
xmeliss182x (at) yahoo (dot) com
I would love to win a digital frame, thank you so much for the giveaway!
My daughter has one of these & loves it. I would love to get one for my husbands desk.
This would save me on so much ink, paper, and WALL SPACE...our first little one will arrive any day now and I imagine I am going to be taking a ton of pics ~
I would love to win this awesome digital frame! We are a family of 4with tons of pictures! Thanks for this great giveaway!
Digital frames are very nice and a good ice breaker--always something to look at and talk about-wish I had one.
My husband keeps talking about CES and telling me some of the products he likes. I hope he doesn't get too many ideas! He always wants to have the newest stuff. This Kodak frame would be a great surprise for him!
The Father Knows Best series really interests me. honeypie411 at yahoo dot com
I would love to have a digital picture frame to store all my favorite photos in.
ehhogan at bellsouth.net
I'd love to give a digital photo frame to my friend, Linda.
The Help, My Mom Friended Me on Facebook panel sounds very interesting! I'd love to win a digital frame. Thanks for the giveaway.
I'd love to have a digital photo frame.
I love Kodak products.
I would love to win a digital photo frame to show off the pics of my kids!
This would be great for displaying our family digital photos. Please accept my entry. Thank you.
I have yet to own a digital picture frame..please enter me!
Tweet! http://twitter.com/her5boys480/status/7570804697
very nice looking frame, my wife would love one
This is a great way to show off our digital pictures!
jennifercausby at hotmail dot com
I follow your blog publicly!
jennifercausby at hotmail dot com
I think this frame would be awesome!
I'm SO wanting this!
Following you on twitter (jcbigd)
Tweet! http://twitter.com/JCBigD/statuses/7574508044
I would love to win this for my mother! She takes pictures CONSTANTLY; so it would be great to get something like this for her :)
Amanda Barnes
I would love this frame to make a pictoral history of my daughter! Thanks!
This would be a great addition to my techno world!
mrssquigg at comcast dot net
I follow your blog!
Brandy B
mrssquigg at comcast dot net
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/mrssquigg/status/7580710052
mrssquigg at comcast dot net
thanks for the giveaway.
what a nice giveaway! I would be thrilled if I won. Those frames are so nice. Thanks!
Great giveaway! And thanks for the info in the CES
sniperjacks at yahoo dot com
I would love to win
This would be so fun to win!
Looks great! I've never had a frame like this so it would be cool to win :)
these are very nice to have.
the father knows best conference sounds great. Thank you
Father Knows Best sounds cute!
txhottie_86 at yahoo dot com
With the digital camera, I have so many pictures on my computer but no where to display them. I would love to win one of these to display all my pictures.
rhondastruthers at yahoo dot ca
I would love a digi frame. I never print my pictures to display in the house. this would help!!
I am a follower now! :-D
This is a great Photo Frame
copperllama at yahoo dot com
follow blog
copperllama at yahoo dot com
added to Technorati Favorites
copperllama at yahoo dot com
I have always wanted one of these frames..So cool
Tasha at
This would be great to have. Thank you :)
I am an avid scrapper and photographer and would love to show off my work.
I would be most interested in the M-Suite Panel.
Thank you so much for the chance to win.
I am following via Google Friends Connect.
I have favored your blog via Technorati as jsc123.
Thank you for the giveaway. I would use this frame to put my childrens pictures as well as my nieces!
This sounds like a rewarding prize
This would be a great way for me to remember my grandsons.
this is such a good solution compared to my current way to display photos
My mother has one and absolutely loves it! It's such a great gadget to have!
I would love to have this so I can show off all my great photos!
egreca (at) hotmail {dot} com
I dream of owning a frame like this one! Fantastic!
I like: Help, My Mom Friended Me on Facebook!
Not only my mom, but tons of older relatives are now visiting mine and my husband's pages! I learned I have to balance the desire to reveal myself, with the need to be tactful...unless I want to hurt their feelings and de-friend them.
Jennifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com
This is one of these not so new items that I have yet to buy. Great prize.
Nice looking frame
The OMG, BFF, LOL sounds good. I'm going to watch it.
I really want to view the "my mom facebooked me" thing, it sounds interesting!
Great product giveaway!
I like pickles.
wizalt at gmail
tweeted: http://twitter.com/wizalt711/status/7674696983
A digital frame has been on my wish list for YEARS. Thanks for the chance.
Help, My Mom Friended Me on Facebook sounds fun and informative. trinitygsd at yahoo dot com
The The M-Suite seminar sounds useful. It's always good to see examples of how to make money.
I've been wanting a digital photo frame and this one sounds wonderful! Thank you for the chance!
I would love to win and I tweeted http://twitter.com/Tina12312/status/7679310554
thank you!
I would live to get my parents one of these picture frames and fill it with photos of the family and grandchildren. Thank you for the chance to win.
I missed the live videos but I am interested in seeing at least one. I would love a digital frame.
This is amazing give away : ) The picture frame looks beautiful!
The discussions all sound intersting and like they would be informative. Thanks for hosting the chance to win the frame.
Awesome blog and thanks for the giveaway!....would love to win this!.... =]
I would love this digital picture frame! Fingers crossed! Thanks! senekers@comcast.net
Help, My Mom Friended Me on Facebook panel sounds so interesting
I'd love to display all my kitty pictures this way - thanks for the chance, and God bless you.
this would be great for showing off the kids pics
I'd love to win this, I have always wanted one for the table by the front door.
Following on both Twitter and Google Friends scince I wasn't sure which you wanted.
i would love this for out living room to show off the family pics!
saladforbreakfast AT gmail DOT com
These digital frames are such great things for people of all ages in a family. I'd love to have one to give to my mom.
This would be great.
I follow your blog
I have never own one of these.
daily tweet http://twitter.com/Tina12312/status/7709999020
thank you!
I've wanted one of these for our living room for a while now. I never get around to getting physical photos printed, so this would help!
kirbycolby at gmail dot com
I follow your blog. Thank you!
kirbycolby at gmail dot com
I like the Father knows Best concept. It's nice when dads are publicly involved, and what better area to be so than technology?
Thanks for offering the giveaway.
What a great giveaway! I bookmarked The M-Suite (Friday, January 8 at 3:00 p.m. PST)
How momtreprenuers and stay at home moms are building successful businesses.
I'll watch it this weekend because I would love to transform myself into a SAHM instead of a GTFWEDDM (going to friggin work every dang day mom). Thanks!
I have so many photos to display, all those wonderful, memorable milestones. I would love to have this frame. I am queenesperfect at yahoo.com
I'd love to win this! Thanks!
I follow
This would be a great way for me to display all of my photos.
This would be a great way for me to remember my grandsons.
I've been wanting one of these frames for a long time now.
I have a brand new shelf in my living room that this would look perfect on.
Would love to win this!!
Nice prize. Count me in!
This would be great to give to my son and his wife who are expecting their first child in a few months.
Thanks for the chance to win!
proudyaya04 {at} yahoo {dot} com
what an awesome frame,would love it for all our new holiday pics
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