Ummm....two words: David. Beckham. Got your attention? :)
I had the opportunity to review both the children's and adult GO3 Omega-3 supplements and I can say with the utmost assurance that this is a high-quality product.
First of all, the children's version is chewable. I know what you're thinking. Chewable fish oil? But the makers of GO3 have miraculously taken out any "fishy" taste and instead it is strawberry flavored. So kids will actually enjoy getting their recommended daily allowance of healthy Omega-3 oils. My kids loved them!
I tried the adult version and it did have a bit of a fishy aftertaste (you swallow the adult ones), but I found if I took it with food, I couldn't taste anything at all.

The American Heart Association recommends 2-3 servings of fatty fish per week, but most Americans are too busy or too concerned with the amount of mercury in many fish so they opt out of Omegas. But Omega-3 fish oils are important and provide several health benefits:
~Supporting a healthy heart, circulation and joints
~Fighting inflammation (now considered one of the top skin-agers)
~Improving general mental health and cognitive performance in normal aging
Pretty important, wouldn't you say?
Want to try it out for yourself? GO3 is giving away a box of adult AND children's supplements to THREE lucky winners! (That's a value of $44 for each winner!)
To enter, simply leave a comment here and let me know what you do to keep you and/or your family healthy. One entry per person. Deadline to enter is Tuesday, May 20 at 11:59 p.m. EST.
For a bonus entry, link to this contest and to GO3 on your site, then leave a separate comment here with the link so I can give you proper credit.
Winner will be selected at random using random.org and announced here on Wednesday, May 21 (winner will be contacted by email as well, so be sure to leave a way for me to contact you or I will have to discard your entry...sorry!)
You have two weeks from the date of notification to claim your prize. If the prize is not claimed, I reserve the right to select another winner.
Good luck to all!
We use fish oil supplements and we take vitamin D and vitamin C. Thanks for the giveaway.
We take a handful of supplements a day and try to have a bowl of fruit on hand at all times
we exercise as a family and talk about what we eat and how it effects our bodies
My family and I workout regularly at the gym to stay healthy.
We run, play tennis and eat our veggies. Also we're English - does that increase our odds of winning?
My family lives at a nudist resort so we get a lot of sun and exercise. We swim, play tennis and volleyball. Drink a lot of water and try to live a stress free life.
i take a multivitamin and do yoga.
We take vitamins and make sure to get out and play at least an hour a day.
I try to eat right and excercise
We have been getting a lot more exercise (especially with the high gas prices) and I have been making sure we eat healthier foods with plenty of fresh produce.
We excersize (bike ride, roller blade, sports), eat as healthy as we can afford to, and takle our vitamins!
We exercise regularly,eat healthy,don't smoke,take a multi vitamin a day and live a good clean/honest/hardworking life.
vitamins, eating healthy and alot of outdoor activities as a family
lots of fruits and veggies
We take supplements and exercise daily and we eat healthy most of the time.
Thank you for the great giveaway!
We cut out most fast food, but on the occasion we do get it - fruit cups instead of fries. And more fruit at home!
Lots of fresh air and good food (balanced in with candy of course). We also take daily vitamins and one of mine is fish oil.
I encourage eating lots of fruits and veggies.
We have no junk food in the house, and our definition of junk food is pretty stringent!
We eat good balanced diet, vitamins and exercise
try to eat right get at least 8 hrs sleep and plenty of exercise
My husband and I makes sure there is healthy food in the house. As long as weather permits, we are all required to do something outside on the weekends. We also monitor the programming and the amount of TV our children watch.
egreca [at] hotmail [dot] com
My girls and I try and do the "Barbie" workout a few times a week. We walk to and from school for pick up and drop off daily (3Miles a day X 5 days a week). We try not to snack much during the day but if we do we have apples, or other health snacks. We do not however have daily vitamins although I'd love to start a regime of taking them with my children daily.
Great contest.
Drink lots of water and try not to eat fast food
I don't drive, so I do a LOT of walking. (the store is 5+ away from the house and I carry my stuff back with me!)
We try to eat right including our veggies and get active.
eat less fat
Vitamins every day, for a start.
I have taught my little girls about the importance of handwashing to help keep my family healthy. Also a simple way that I help my family stay healthy is to try to eat foods from the five groups. Thanks so much!
Our family stays healthy by taking Wild Salmon Oil (if someone can't swallow a capsule, I mix in it yogurt) and we all take Flax Oil.
We sneeze into our elbows instead of our hands and use hand sanitizer when we can if we are out in public.
Great giveaway!
Hello! Thanks for the delightful giveaway contest! Our family tried our best to eat healthy meals with each of the food groups. I make sure my sons get a vitamin daily and we don't drink any soda. We do need to make exercise more prevalent! I have osteo-arthritis and I know to try and eat non-inflammatory foods. Please enter us in your giveaway. I appreciate it.....Thanks,Cindi
I try to get my family to eat healthier. During the summer, when fruits are in season, I cut up a bunch of different fruits, put them in a huge bowl and leave it in the fridge with a box of toothpicks next to it. When the kids want a snack, all they have to do is grab a toothpick and munch away!
I am a major hand washing nut! Keeping everyone's hands clean is the key to a healthy family. Thanks for the chance.
I keep a lot of healthy foods for snacking,prepared and within reach in appealing carry along containers like veggies,fruit,seeds,nuts and cookies.
We take our vitamins every day, drink lots of water, and exercise every day.
take your vitamins, drink lots of water and get plenty of sleep!
I try to make sure we have nutritious snacks and meals always available.
we play at the part
my kids eat lots of veggies and fruits
We eat take supplements and cut back on the amount of processed foods from our diet.
We use supplements and exercise and try to eat a balanced diet.
Elaine R
Vitamins for everyone, cod liver oil (lemon flavoured) water, no aspartame :). Cooking from scratch.
I buy lots of fruit and try to make sure everyone eats enough fiber.
we go bike riding together
I take a multivitamin daily with well balanced meals.
I have been trying to cook low card meals for the family.
hermanthompson at yahoo dot com
Our family exercises daily; drinks water instead of soda, and avoids sweets. thank you for the contest
We threw out all sodas and juices. We drink water mainly now, and try to take daily walks and get outside. thanks for a great giveaway!
We eat lots of whole grains and plenty of fruits and vegetables.
We stopped drinking soda, keep meals healthy and snacking to healthy ones. We are also taking multi-vitamins.
I cook healthy most of the time, maybe one time a week we spluge on something fried...rest of the time !!! it is baked or broiled and lot os fruits and veggies
trying to cook low card meals for the family
We exercise regularly,eat more fruits and veggies, and take a multivitamin
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
Whole grains and organic comestibles!
we take vitamins, eat healthy and exercise
Aerobic exercise and strength training daily, multivitamins and some supplements. I know we're supposed to take a fish oil supplement but I've never known what kind to buy so I've not done it yet. We also have incorporated a lot more whole grain foods into our daily diets and less foods with processed ingredients. I take calcium supplements daily too.
Try to eat a healthy diet and get outside to exercise!
eat right and excercise
We try to eat organic whenever possible.
I cook healthy meals!
Feed them a regular diet of organic produce and activities to exercise their mind and body!
jaydnco1 (at) aol (dot) com
We eat out frequently, but try to make healthy choices.
thank you for the contest
All of us take a multivitamin every day. Only one of my kids is a good veggie eater, so the vitamins are a must for them ;) Thanks for the giveaway!
I try to cook from scratch every day. I use fresh fruits and vegetables and try to avoid perservatives.
I try to incorporate more healthy food in the diet and I also nurse my baby.
serving healthier meals :)
Organic fruits and vegetables, hormone antibiotic free meats and dairy
we are trying to make an effort to eat healthy and take supplements and vitimans and herbs
We try to eat right and take vitamins.
I introduce healthy foods to the kids, and avoid buying sugary things (but I'm still working on getting the hubby to stop buying poptarts and ho-hos.
I bake and broil all of my meat. I also serve them lots of vegetables and we have started a yoga routine.
we eat lots of veggies!
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