I'm a firm believer in being both a mom and being trendy. I've tried as hard as possible to not give in to comfortable sweats, ponytails and sneakers (on most days) no matter how hard it may be. It's my belief that if you feel good about yourself, you'll feel good as a mom.
Anna Johnson, author of The Yummy Mummy Manifesto (published by Random House), believes as I do; that us moms can be "yummy" while still being "mummy."
While there are tons of books out there devoted to style and trends, this is the first one I've seen geared towards moms. From pregnancy to toddlerhood, The Yummy Mummy Manifesto should be considered your fashion, health, beauty, home (and more) bible.
While the information you'll find in typical parenting books is important, this book will be your secret indulgence. The one that says it's okay to make time and take care of YOU (and how to do it) while taking care of your kids.
The book is as fun as it is informative. The sections are broken down into easy-to-read chunks for us busy moms. The book covers everything from healthy eats to naming your baby to decorating your home and nursery. I wish I could list each topic the book covers but there are SO many you just have to read for yourself. I promise you won't want to miss a word!
I'll give you a sneak-peek into my favorite part: "Blood-and-Guts Basics for Brand-new Mothering."
"Find small ways to baby yourself: soft-lined slippers, pretty comfortable clothes, a brand-new fashion mag on the nursing table, healthy snack bowls all over the house, and one really decent soaking hot bath (or shower with candelight) a day...or two."
and this, which I really loved:
"Ease up on your routine to meet your own pace. A dirty diaper is not the end of the world; make that cup of tea first if you really feel the desire."
Ahhh...no guilt parenting. Where was this book when my kids were babies????
I am sitting here getting so excited with each bit of advice I'm reading, wanting to share it all with you. It's that good.
Read what USA Today and The Daily News have to say as well.
I am giving away one copy of The Yummy Mummy Manifesto to one lucky winner! All you have to do to enter is leave a comment here letting me know how you try to stay "yummy" in this hectic world. One entry per person, and there must be an email address for me to contact you should you win.
You have one week to respond to the winning notification email, or else the prize will be forfeited and another winner will be selected. US and Canadian residents only for this one. Sorry!
Deadline to enter is Friday, May 30. Winner will be announced and notified on Saturday, May 31. Good luck!
ty!! 4 the neat useful contest!I like to look clean,neat and comfortable every day!
I try to stay yummy in this hectic world that remembering that even though I'm a mummy, I'm a woman and I don't deny myself the simple pleasures of life.
I change my sheets daily because I love the "crisp" feeling of freshly washed sheets, the smell and I just feel wrapped in comfort.
When possible I dry sheets on the line to get them extra fresh and crisp!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Maintain a sense of humor-this will get you through most everything!
Elaine R
Put mask on my face ,mix fruit smoothie, lay in a hot bath with a good murder mystery.
I give myself a 5 minute alone time esch day
Relax myself with a hot bubble bath and a good book
manicures and pedicures
relax in a hot tub filled with marshmallows and handsome guys.
I keep a chocolate bar in my purse just in case i'm not feeling very yummy. it always brings the yumminess factor back
I try to relax and not get stressed over every little thing and also make a little me time during the day when my daughter is napping
I have a fashion / beauty site which helps me keep up with the latest trends. :)
Hello! I believe it has to come from the inside of me first. Making myself feel good by the way I dress, take care of myself and my mindset are all very important. Then, I take action to make those things happen! I do take time for a hot cup of tea, attempt to watch my diet and stay neat and nicely clothed. Pleas enter me in your delightful drawing.
Many thanks,Cindi
Daily exercise...
I always make sure that my nails are done.
Quality family time.
make sure my hair looks good
be at peace with myself
I take a nap when my three year old naps.
Wee we were on the same day!!
I try to buy myself at least one really nice wardrobe piece once every few months.
I blogged you on Prizeatron!
I stay yummy by feeling yummy and to do that I exercise every single day. It does wonders for the way I feel!
I stay yummy by wearing a pair of heels each day; even if I have no where to go...the heels make me feel tall, sexy, and ready to take on the day!!
I stay Yummy by walking!
Eat chocolate=) and exercise!
I splurge on all things bath related.... candles, scrubs, lotions, specialty soaps... you name it. And I make time for a good soak and a great glass of chardonnay.
laugh with my friends often
3beez at bellsouth dot net
I always stop working--housework, office work--by 8:30pm and give myself a full hour and a half to relax before bed.
I try to be a yummy mummy by setting a good example for my child. I try to get out and do something active and always take pride in my appearance. you have to put your best foot forward everyday!
egreca [at] hotmail [dot] com
I make time to read everyday, just for me
I walk regularly after work to release the stress.
Having 3 kids and working full time out of the house, my time is slim and my free time for myself is nonexistent. The ONLY way I am able to survive is that I wake up an hour before I have to (hey, it's well worth the lack of sleep), when everyone is sleeping (well, sometimes the baby is up), and have my coffee. I get to watch TV, read, pay bills, blog, whatever I want!!!! If I didn't have this "me" time, I'd go insane
I have six kids and I work full time out of the house and I'm single. My "yummy" time is after my shower. I make sure to rub on lotion, and mainly on my feet and elbows. It's nice to slide into bed knowing my skin has a fighting chance, Now if only I could get the little ones to stop pulling on it all the time.
Pampering! Manicures, Pedicures, Facials, and scented lotions!
I try to stay Yummy by pampering and spoiling myself with yummy smelling things like shower gels, candles, lotions, air fresheners, body sprays, room sprays, incencse, fragranced oils . . . you get the picture . . .
i sneak into the bathroom and read people magazine or the like.
As silly as it sounds...to motivate to stay "yummy," I pluck my eyebrows. It forces me to look in the mirror. It usually leads me into a hot bath, and then into something besides the "sweats".
I stay yummy by walking every day!
I do some things for myself. Right now I'm in a play.
I stay yummy by wearing what I like
I layer fragrance on my petticoats.
As silly as it sounds, I stay yummy by making sure that I get a shower and put on some makeup everyday. I might not get a full face of makeup everyday, but enough to at least boost my confidence.
drinking lots of water
I stay yummy by treating myself as a queen. garrettsambo@aol.com
A nice warm bubble bath!
jaydonco1 (at) aol (dot) com
Eat nutritious homemade meals!
Wear makeup every day and take daily naps
drink plenty of water
I try to stay positive and remember to take time out for myself.
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